Meet the Sencrop Team: Quentin

Product & Supply Chain Manager

Amber Ogborn
5 min readAug 20, 2019


To learn more about the product and supply chain team at Sencrop, you’re in the right place! Quentin, product & supply chain manager at Sencrop, tells all.

When Quentin joined Sencrop in February 2016, he was the company’s first employee. As a young recent graduate, he built the first prototypes of what would become a leading agtech product on the European market. From negotiating with the company’s first suppliers to launching the first production batch, Quentin tells us everything about the product and supply chain team at Sencrop.

From a one-man show to driving a team

The famous bamboo prototype

Three years in, Quentin is at the head of a six-person team. On any given day, he can be found pretty much anywhere that’s not his desk — visiting partners, in meetings with suppliers, brainstorming with his team... he’s a busy guy, and he doesn’t shy away from getting his hands dirty and doing whatever it takes to keep production moving.

His role is important, overseeing the product’s electronics, hardware, production, logistics, and quality. As he tells it, logistics is transverse and resonates with the whole team. Sales, customer happiness, design/UX are all impacted by the product team.

All about Quentin:

  • 28 years old (the youngest of “Team 1990”)
  • Born in Grenoble, but grew up in Lille
  • Joined Sencrop in Feburary 2016
  • Based in the Lille office

Quentin’s background

Graduated from ISEN (electrical/software engineering), specialized in high technology and the environment

Previous jobs:
Quentin cut his teeth at another AgTech startup before joining Sencrop early in the game.


“I don’t consider myself to be a really skilled, technical person… but I understand how things work. It’s the perfect fit between management — working with people who have the skills to build the product — and decision-making.”

One skill that stands out in his mind as being a total asset to his job is project management. He says it’s really useful for time management and getting people to work together.

Connection to agriculture:
Here at Sencrop, we’re not all farm kids
. But many of us share strong convictions about the environment: Quentin tells us that he strives to live the most eco-conscious lifestyle possible, in all aspects: food, clothes, transportation… everything.

“Especially now that I have a kid, I really want the planet to be great for him. I want to try even harder now that he’s here. I’m in love with nature! I could literally hug a tree in the forest. Environmentalism is all about making the best choices every day to protect nature and animals.”

What do you like best about working with farmers:
Sencrop helps farmers change the way they grow their crops, and seeing the impact that technology can offer them to transform their fields is everything. Farmers have a huge impact on the environment and the way we eat. The way our food is produced is critical and it’s our job to help farmers produce in the best manner possible.

What do you love about Sencrop:
1) Helping farmers
2) Being useful to the team

The Sencrop OGs after a long day at the SIMA (2017)

“I really feel like I’ve grown a lot since I joined the project. I had no idea that I would grow so much! I started out making prototypes and now I manage this team! It’s incredible to see how you can grow and change, and this feeling of making change happen. If you want to put a new idea on the table, the team will listen. You can fail. I feel confident, sharing what I want and giving new ideas.”

Favorite Sencrop app feature:
The temperature sensor
helps Quentin know if he needs to wear a sweater or not when he’s biking to work. The precipitation radar lets him know if his ride will be a wet one!

Outside of work:
When he’s not busy loving on his overly-adorable little baby, Quentin likes working out. He’s open to a little bit of everything — badminton, soccer, or running for the most part.
He’s an avid reader, currently working his way through the self-help book The Book of Sins. But what he likes best in his free time is DIY, especially when his son is watching him with wide eyes and a curious smile. Quentin is really handy and enjoys tackling creative projects.

Quentin and his overly-adorable little baby

Fun fact:
He’s put those DIY skills to good use at Sencrop time and time again, even assembling nearly all of the office furniture! But what’s most impressive is that he built the first batch of Sencrop stations on his own (roughly 50) from start to finish. Some of them are still in the field today!

Favorite break-time activity:
You can find Quentin playing (ok, fine… winning…) at cards pretty much any day. He likes to play “Marmotte” and have meaningful conversations with his colleagues over lunch. He always chooses the best background music, for any occasion.

“Days like today, where we talk about the environment with everybody at lunch. That’s really nice.”

If you want to be a driver for change and join like-minded individuals doing meaningful work, check out our jobs site and send us your CV!

