Why Christmas sucks for startups

Andy Rosen
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2018
SENDERGRAM “Don’t Create Without it!”

Sendergram.com has morphed into FileProtected.com

For a bootstrapped startup like Sendergram.com at the end of a long development cycle and finally ready to go to market, CHRISTMAS just sucks all the wind out of your sails. From Thanksgiving to around January 16th things begin to slow down to a final full stop. Most people are winding down for the year. Trying to get anything done becomes increasingly more difficult as Christmas approaches. Trying to get people’s attention and excited about your startup falls flat. It feels like being in a straight jacket, tightening by the day with an itch you just can’t reach.

The Grinch stole our momentum

The problem for us and other startups is Christmas kills your momentum, but your overhead keeps marching on. We have blinkers on. We are focused on one thing 24/7 - GOING TO MARKET. Christmas is a distraction and a costly delay however you look at it. Don’t get me wrong I have no problem with Christmas, just not when I am trying to launch a startup. I have had some great times at Christmas, but that was when I was either working for a company or running my own business that was cash flow positive.

One last gripe. In the end, as the saying goes “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” also falls flat. The Sendergarm team is a virtual team in the US and Europe. So finally when you do accept the fact that you are forced to take a seasonal holiday we can’t even all get together in the same room. Knock back a few drinks, reflect on the year and laugh about the things that made us cry.

To end on a positive note, it did work out well in the end. The Grinch who stole our momentum also delivered us the gift of a much-needed break that none of us would have taken on our own accord. I have to admit we are all the better from the Christmas break.

It’s January 17th today. Blinkers are back on. Refreshed. Ready for action. Sendergam is going to market. If you are interested in checking out Sendergram here is a free token for an early release FileProtected.com account.

Sendergram.com has morphed into FileProtected.com


Sendergram provides a secure blockchain-enabled file sending, presentation, delivery and transaction platform for digital media for all creative types

Any feedback would be much appreciated.

Andy Rosen
CEO, Founder

