Send SDT Pre-sale is live!

The wait is over! On August 15 at 00:00 EST (NY Time) the first pre-sale position will open. New positions will open every minute that follows until the round closes.

Send Protocol (Token: SDT)
Send Protocol (SDT)
2 min readAug 14, 2018


A tireless, incredibly talented team and huge support from our growing community have gotten us to this point. Thank you all for being part of our project in its earliest stages. We’ve surpassed 45K USD in beta micro-transactions using SDT and the best is yet to come!

Pre-sale overview

  • Ticker: SDT
  • Price: 0.14 USD (represents 30% bonus)
  • Vesting: 3 months (vesting period began July 1)
  • Cap: 26,612,317 SDT (3,725,723 USD)
  • Coins accepted: ETH
  • Personal cap: No
  • KYC: Yes

Purchase process

We will send you a text message and email as soon as your purchase position goes live with detailed instructions and your unique code to access the sale. The distribution contribution wallet will only be published on our site accessible through your unique code.

We will never contact you privately or ask you to transfer funds! We know phishing attempts will occur. Be smart and do not engage with anyone posing to be part of our team.

Whitelisting will remain open until the round closes. If you have not already reserved your position, you may do so here. Supply is limited and we do not guarantee your purchase until it is complete. Positions are assigned in the order in which KYC is approved.

Claiming your SDT Tokens

All pre-sale tokens are subject to 3-month linear vesting. The vesting period began on July 1, meaning if you purchase on August 15, you may immediately claim 50% of your tokens.

To claim your tokens, call the function claimTokens at any time from your purchase address or use the claim tokens function on the Send Protocol website, which will be made available after the complete vesting period ends.

Vested tokens are temporary locked in Send’s vesting contract address 0xf03132ea4d93b23822475d5621de25617852b37d.

Finally, a little pep talk

We know the markets look bad. If you’re feeling bearish and planning to sit on the sidelines until further notice, we get it, but first, read this.



Send Protocol (Token: SDT)
Send Protocol (SDT)

Send (SDT) semi-stable digital money designed for everyday use.