Democratizing Data For Workflow Optimization

Andrea Vidovic
Published in
4 min readAug 10, 2017

Our Philosophical Overlap

Creating a SQL-friendly experience for non-technical teams empowers individuals to do more with data (all on their own) while lifting the burden of innumerable smaller data tasks off the shoulders of data engineers and developers. Ideally, this workflow systematizes query building and simplifies saving, exporting and reusing those queries. These queries drive the processes behind building actionable data-reporting environments (in the case of Looker) and creating smooth progressions of personalized email campaigns (in the case of Sendwithus).

Have SQL Query, Will Travel

The competitive edge of any business is wholly dependent upon the speed and efficiency with which it aggregates, organizes, and visualizes its data. Looker allows everyone to execute reporting on information right from the source, so results are updated as new/more data becomes available. You can create data definitions in the form of dimensions, measures, and table relationships which are exposed to end users in a click-and-drop interface. Those definitions can then be used between teams for multiple different use-cases, ensuring a consistency in reporting. A non-technical person (such as a marketer) is therefore enabled to build out an ideal data segment directly in Looker, without technical assistance.

‘Looks’ are saved queries — these surface results of queries consistently and painlessly access data from the warehouse thereby ending the practice of manual syncing; assuring that both time and resources are being utilized with maximum efficiency. By enabling less technical teams to leverage queries themselves and conduct wider analysis and reporting, Looker creates an inviting environment for someone like the traditional marketer to explore audience data and define more sophisticated segments to reach. Looker also ensures that the generated queries are coming from a data model, to support consistency across all reporting metrics. Once an ideal segment is defined within Looker, you can simply copy the SQL Looker generates, paste into the Sendwithus tool and send email campaigns to highly segmented audiences. Sendwithus also allows you to ‘set and forget’ recurring campaigns, thereby automating the process behind scheduling and querying for recurring (i.e. daily/weekly) pitches.

Sendwithus’ Connect feature allows marketers to autonomously pull live data from the data warehouse, using SQL queries to build multi-dimensional segments. Growth marketers can reach audience members with high degrees of personalization and accuracy, since all the data being used to inform templating and the performance of sends is fresh and up-to-date (no stale CSV uploads, and zero waiting for engineering to pull lists together).

Looker + Sendwithus

Wine Awesomeness is a subscription box service that curates a monthly shipment describes as “an editorialized adventure through a theme, trend, educational concept, or a part of the wine world”. The company allows customers to change their preference (i.e. reds, whites, mixed), their interval, to skip a monthly shipment, or deactivate their membership at any time — the company also allows customers to buy wines that they especially enjoyed from their box or get a repeat of an entire box for a discounted fee.

In Looker, one can analyze what types of “editorialized adventures” get the most love (i.e. re-purchases, extra shipments, positive reviews on social media, surveys, or other). To send a hyper-personalized marketing email, segment across multiple data points for specialized reach. For example, if you wanted to enjoy maximum results on the upsell of a particular Riesling: it would be good form to capture data on people who love white wines (their preferred box status), respond really well to themes (let’s say ‘destinations’), and show preference to Rieslings through past re-orders. This data you can easily procure within Looker, then export the SQL into Sendwithus to create an email campaign that has the appropriate approach (i.e. using a “theme” to craft copy around the wine) and promote the sale of the right type of white wine to the right wine aficionado. Cheers!

Revitalizing Interdepartmental Dynamics

By merging all data into a unified ‘look’, everyone within an organization is able to explore and pull insights unique to their perspective from a single source of truth — data silos are eliminated and the ‘slicing and dicing’ to put cohesive data reports together is diminished, alleviating common pains for data teams. Looker minimizes bureaucratic wait times for analyst-driven visualizations and overall volumes of data requests; Sendwithus extends these benefits further by supporting more coaction; market analyses can easily be translated into building audience segments for email marketing, simply repurposing ‘looks’ to build sophisticated campaigns in Sendwithus.

A healthy query workflow can grant cross-functional team members more freedom to do what they do best — data engineers and developers can more readily focus on more complex tasks and troubleshooting, analysts will be able to do more advanced reporting faster, and marketers/creatives will be able to pinpoint the fruits of their labour with unparalleled ease.

See Looker and Sendwithus in action! To learn more about how Looker helps marketers do more with their data visit here, or simply request a call with the Looker team. To learn how the Sendwithus email optimization platform can help your marketing team create better email experiences visit our solutions page. For a trial of Sendwithus, you may sign up here.

