Sendy Community Update — July 2018

Josh Reyes
4 min readAug 2, 2018


July was a jam-packed month for the team as the project picked up significant momentum and our pre-sale got fully underway. As Sendy gets closer to launch, we’ll be providing our growing community with monthly updates on our development and token sale progress. Here goes round 1!

Welcoming Dave Bean from

Near the end of the month we welcomed Dave Bean from to the Sendy advisory team. Dave was the first sales hire at and has headed up growth for them over the past year.

Dave Bean, Head of Sales —, Coinbase is one of the projects in the space that we admire most. They’ve been able to deliver real utility and gain significant traction in a short period of time, and recently were aquired by Coinbase for $100 million. Dave’s involvement and know-how was a major part of that and we’re really excited to have him advise our team on product and growth.

Korea Blockchain Week

George represented the Sendy team at Korea Blockchain Week in Seoul. Given the excitement within the Korean crypto community, one would have a hard time telling we’re in a bear market!

Throughout the week we met with funds, potential partners and community influencers, gathering positive feedback along the way. We also presented on “How Blockchain Can Improve Email” at a community meetup hosted by Adventures Blockchain Korea.

With much of the global community in Korea for the week it was also a great opportunity to share Sendy with some of the biggest names in the industry.

Sharing Sendy with the one and only Brock Pierce

Following the conference, George has been on the road for follow on meetings with potential contributors and partners.

Sendy Interviews

Throughout the month we had the pleasure of interviewing with our friends at Crypto Finder and Apollo Capital. Below are video recordings of both interviews.

George chats with Fred and Trader Cobb at Crypto Finder

Josh chats with Henrik at Apollo Capital

Sendy in the Press

With the close of our seed round and our growing community, the project has started building up some buzz within marketing and tech publications across Asia and Australia.

Here are a few of the highlights:

Pre-sale Contributor Demo and Sendy Wallet

The growing community and positive feedback has been great, but what excites us most is how close Sendy is to launch. We now have tokens moving between marketers and subscribers in the background on a testnet and have been busy building out the subscriber wallet to claim and earn tokens.

Here’s what the UI looks like so far:

Still integrating BTC/ETH price oracles and APIs, don’t freak out!

We’ve also released a private demo for pre sale contributors. If you’re interested in contributing and want to receive some demo $SNDY, reach out to me on telegram @josh_sendy

You could be one of the first to receive $SNDY

That’s it for the July wrap up! We’ll be hard at work in August chatting with potential pre sale contributors and putting the final touches on the subscriber dashboard and wallet. Follow along on our blog for announcements and updates along the way.

Want to learn more about Sendy? We’re the team behind Sendicate and Smartrmail, and last year helped over 7,000 businesses send over 1 billion emails. We’re using the blockchain to improve engagement with marketing emails and reward subscribers for their valuable attention. If you’re interested in the project, join our telegram group: or check out our site:

