Concussion Protocol: Week of 4/8

Alexander Thomas
Senior Capstone 2019-Spring
2 min readApr 13, 2019

Pushing Towards the Finish Line

Completing the Interactive Prototype

The main focus this week was completing the set of screens I want to be able to display at the final show. The process began at finalizing each screen in Illustrator before importing to XD. From there, I started experimenting with how each section of the application is connected to the other. During this process I was consulting with friends and colleagues to make sure the user flow and interactions were making sense. I have been pretty happy with the process of completing the screen that I set as my goal before starting the prototype. I knew it wouldn’t be possible to make the application fully functional, but I made sure to make a key feature of each section interactive.

Video Progress

I have been making solid progress on the complimentary video to the prototype. I am about 50%–60% of the way complete of the content I want to cover in the project. The completed portion is the introduction to the problem and why this application is important to the game of football. This includes showing borderline gruesome highlights of the impacts occurring at the professional level. From this point, I am transitioning to the introduction of the application itself. This will be followed up by footage of the prototype within the video to explain how each section of application operates.

Show Poster

I have also been working on a graphic for my show poster throughout the week. I contacted some of the media staff that work for the football team at the university and was able to receive some pretty awesome photos to use. I want the poster to be fairly simple while also directing displaying the content subject area. I chose this photo because of the way the athlete is strapping his helmet in preparation to take the field of practice.

Moving forward my next steps are to work on capturing the animations of the prototype to push the video towards completion and beginning to construct my process book.

