It's Over

Isn’t It?

Katie Morrin
Senior Capstone 2019-Spring
2 min readMay 2, 2019


A little Steven Universe Reference for my fans.

Capstone is finally over and with that, my college career as well. There’s been lots of tears and feelings of loneliness. Honestly writing about depression has been the most draining project. When I saw it sit on that table I was filled with a lot of unhappiness. I wasn’t satisfied and truth be told, I don’t think I will ever be. I’m constantly comparing myself to others. I felt very empty, even though I should have been celebrating.

At the very least I can offer some advice:

1. Go to DAAP as much as possible.
I had made the mistake early on to try and work from home. I was constantly distracted and found it easier to procrastinate. With DAAP, no fun is allowed there, everyone’s working quietly for the most part. It's easy to get in the zone.

2. Put your project first.
The other class you will be taking in DAAP will try and force you to put all your time in setting up the show. Remember that there is no show without your projects.

3. Don’t work part-time.
I mean at a job if you can. It takes time away from the capstone and leaves you more stressed out. I had never worked during school semesters previously and should have kept that streak.

4. Take care of yourself.
Capstone is hell, so make sure that your mental health is at least being watched over.

That’s really all I got. Hope you future DAAPers have a good final semester.

Poster PDF
Final Book PDF
Process Book PDF

