Week 10 — Project Pivot

Pivoted to COVID-19 symptom tracking application

Katie Chen
Design Senior Capstone 2020
3 min readMar 30, 2020


Weekend Recap

This past weekend we were inspired by a dataset released on Kaggle for a COVID-19 hackathon hosted by AI2, CZI, MSR, Georgetown, NIH & The White House, as well as peers experiences with the COVID-19 lockdown, paranoia, and actually being tested positive. We found a lot of mirroring features that our mental health monitoring app had that could be adapted to the current situation and after heavy discussion, we decided to pivot.


We have already made a stakeholder map, number of screens and a complex user flow this past weekend. We will simplify our flow and narrow down on key features to keep our app focused. There are also a number of validations we need to make for the features we’ve already created.

Problem Space

Hospitals currently don’t have enough space to accommodate all patients and people who think they might have COVID-19. They send patients under 30 back home, but when you are sick with no one to care for you during this phase of self-quarantine, it can be difficult to feel supported. It can also be dangerous for potentially infected and paranoid non-infected individuals to be visiting hospitals.

Our Goal

We want to create an app that will help patients log and track their symptoms in accordance to the CDC’s guidelines, and access data about COVID-19 that will help them feel supported at home. We also want to connect users with their remote families so family members can feel reassured. Ideally, our application will empower young people to take proper care of themselves at home. Currently, people have been taking tracking into their own hands:

A friend who was diagnosed and has been self tracking her symptoms in the notes app


  • People who think they might have COVID-19
  • Young COVID-19 patients who need to self-quarantine

User Flow

Based on research with people who are concerned about COVID-19, as well as people we know who have been tested positive, we were able to generate this user flow to address the current pain points in their self-quarantine process.

Screen Designs

We started working on several screen mid-fi designs and will be validating them this week with additional user research.

Map Tool

Currently, there have been a number of COVID-19 patient route trackers released in other countries. We initially considered this feature as well, but may remove it to simplify our application.



Katie Chen
Design Senior Capstone 2020

Senior at Carnegie Mellon University studying Communication Design and Human Computer Interaction. Incoming UX Designer at Goldman Sachs.