Week 9 — Lofi Mockups

Created sketches individually to explore a breadth of iterations

Katie Chen
Design Senior Capstone 2020
2 min readMar 22, 2020



Unfortunately with the self-quarantines now in place, we won’t be able to continue testing with our probe, so we used the abundant research we already have to transition into the “making” phase. We began to individually look at how we each would interpret certain features and the basic appearance of the application. We met in a Zoom call on Saturday to share our own mockup designs and talk through our thought processes and inspirations for the screens. After sharing, we will fill in some of the gaps ourselves based on each other’s designs and then come together again for a final decision-making meeting about which designs need AB testing and which will move forward.

Mockup 01 // Katie

In my iteration, I mainly explored how users would be able to set up different alarms for different types of notifications, What time span of analytics would be shown, and different types of entries a user can make.

Critiques from group:

  • Daily might not be necessary for analytics because it would be unlikely to track people logging multiple times a day, perhaps just weekly
  • Multiple entries could be confusing at first
  • Need to define “journal” and “symptoms” for the notification alerts

I think the next steps would be to figure out what the daily log looks like and then delineate the analytics page from that.

Mockup 02 // Ethan

ehtan write here

Mockup 03 // Sharon

For my iteration, I focused on the dashboard, symptom entry, and the data analytics experience. I explored track by side effects/track by date options for the data analytics section.



Katie Chen
Design Senior Capstone 2020

Senior at Carnegie Mellon University studying Communication Design and Human Computer Interaction. Incoming UX Designer at Goldman Sachs.