Brainstorming for Senior Project

So I’m not sure on where to start.

I just kind of go with it.

Last semester, in one of my classes, I had written a paper on Blockchain x Gaming. In doing so, I had come up with a vision for a utopia where after we have destroyed Earth (cause we obviously will at the rate at which we are going), and we move to Mars (because the Moon is too small), we will all live in these pods that somehow medically keep us alive, but in order to maximize efficiency of resources, and so as not to destroy another planet, we wouldn’t be allowed to get out of a VR simulation (so our actions will not have any repercussions).

With that as a basis, I went wild and tried to brain-vomit onto the paper.

My partner’s comments were interesting and involved ‘aliens’, which are indeed cool, and the thoughts on how to actually get to Mars/how to get the medical devices across to Mars.

So then I got home. And had a different thought.

As a founder of a young startup (FlareAgent or F.), that I am working on the side out of school, and have committed to working full time after graduation in a couple of months, I wanted to explore if I can merge Senior Project and marketing material for F. together.

Again, I went back to the brain vomit stage.

With the central goal of ‘getting and qualifying more leads’, I tried to play the ‘word association’ game and see where I end up.

For most parts, it was rather tame. However, I needed to carry on the exercise in parallel to the other central ideas.

I wanted to understand the entire sales process (that I was in charge of figuring out, and also vaguely had in mind, but had never put it down on paper to look at it). It was helpful in understanding where the marketing material would be used to affect.

In summary, the top half of the diagram is where the marketing material (ranging from product demo videos, website other sort of explainer/attention-grabbing videos) would be most useful.

I decided, for a while, that perhaps I wanted to go with making a website for Senior Project.

It made sense. I had run a design studio with my partner in the city, working on web design and development. Making a website for Senior Project would be the culmination of my design and dev skills I have learned through IDM.

But I spent a couple of days sitting on the idea, and I wasn’t super pleased with it.

To one extent, it was boring. I’ve made many websites, and I’m not turned on by this idea. I would like to find a project that would keep me up at night and cause me to get up early to work on.

Then, I was staring at the FlareAgent legal name next to the logo I had conjured up a couple of months ago.

For reference, here is the logo and name:

So, when I made this, I had no idea how to tie in the . to the overall branding, but I knew I needed to have it.

Then, it hit me.

At FlareAgent, we made end-to-end transaction management software for real estate.

End. To. End.

So, obviously I had to immediately come up with a quick animation to follow and depict this.

So that was fun.

That definitely turned me on.

But I’m still not sure what I want to make for Senior Project.

I guess I’m leaning towards my roots in film/writing. Maybe a 2–3 minute really cool animation video for promo?

Or maybe something entirely unrelated to my spiel above.

I guess we’ll find out :)

