Final Update: The Conclusion

Abhiroop Cvk
Senior Project: How to Buy a Home in 2019
2 min readMay 20, 2019

So at the end of the semester, with the project complete, and culminating in a final presentation and the IDM Showcase, it was a blast.

Final Project Link:

Image from Unsplash

The podcast was the right choice of media. It took much longer to record than I had anticipated, where every 3–5 minute episode took over an hour to record. This came from constantly having to record and rerecord every sentence/phrase to make it match the tone of the previous one, and also to correct any mistakes in recording (such as unpleasant breaths, being too far/close to the mic etc).

In the end, the 7 episodes recorded came out beautifully, and they’ve been uploaded to all streaming sites (including Apple Podcast, Google Podcast and Spotify).

The final presentation went smooth, with some questions on the intentions behind the project, which I explained easily and also mentioned how I dig deeper into those during the podcast itself.

The showcase went better than I had expected, where many were actually interested in the project even though it was about real estate. I had set up a QR code (and typed out the link below to the website of the podcast) so anyone could easily check it out at their own time. Funny enough, very few people actually knew what a QR code was, and they were very wowed by how cool technology was. I managed to leave a mark on them with just using something that is simple (to us in the tech world) and helpful, and make their lives easier with better UX (than having to type out websites)!

Moving forward, I would probably continue with my podcast, but maybe start from scratch and create a different tone for the podcast.This exists nicely as a complete mini-series. In the new version, I would bring on more interviewees and talk to them about their perspectives, perhaps RETech startup founders that are working on cool stuff. This way, anyone interested can stay up to date on the industry!

