Update 2: Systems

The real estate industry is not only huge, but is also very complicated.

If I want to begin distilling down the various moving parts into a small enough message where I can hope to teach someone about what’s involved, I need to begin by doing research into the specifics of the industry.

For this, I chose the perspective of a home buyer, not only for the perspective for understanding the industry, but also for whom this content would be most beneficial.

Mind vomit of the space

I began this process with a mind vomit, just to, in an expansive rather than reductive manner, to begin thinking about what I want to include in my final content.

Different tools used by parties involved

Then, to also simultaneously understand the different tech tools and startups involved in the process, I made a parallel version.

How all the parties relate to the house/title deed

Finally, I mapped out the process from the perspective of the different parties involved, with the house/title deed being in the centre of the entire process.

