Update 3: Senior Project Demo

The halfway point draws near.

What will I present as the culmination of my research, and as a demo for my final version?

What can best encapsulate my vision for my content?

How to Real Estate in 2019

I decided to lay it all out in the form of a presentation first, and then narrate over it.

I then broke all of this up step by step, option by option, and narrated over it, weighing the pros and cons of every option.

It was meant to be a comprehensive overview of the entire process, and a very good test for how I can possibly deliver the heavy content/material in a succinct manner.


A 17 minute video with me droning on about real estate.

Basically, the best way to turn off someone even further, when they already aren’t interested in the topic, or to scare someone who might have any interest but was already intimidated.

I decided to demo it anyway, and garner some feedback, as I was running dry on ideas.

