August Galey: Process Documentation

Senior Projects, Fall 2018

August Galey
Senior Projects
12 min readSep 7, 2018


Week 14:

Portfolio Box Status:

Sort of playing catch-up but my box finally came in this week and I’ve begun crafting wells. These 3 are mostly finished, still need to add ribbon and cover with paper. Likely will build a 4th in addition to portfolio book. Planning to have it filled by Sunday (12/2).

2nd Finish Portfolio Book:

type too big
NO MOCKUP, will be shooting photos once cards are delivered
negative space?
get rid of photo background
pic on left is a placeholder, but sort of what i want it to look like. also, FINAL BEFORE PROCESS
captions, no background
captions, no background
captions to explain logotypes
Need to find the sketchbook containing these, might be at my parents’ house.
notes from critique

Website Second Finish:

Self Promo Status:

Week 12:

Book - Intial Spreads:

First Finish Self Promo:

First Finish Website:

Week 11:

Stationery Final FINAL Finish:

FINAL Logo(s):

Portfolio Book Initial Spreads:

Week 10:

Stationery Second Finish:


What I heard: On back of letterhead, remove all except anomalies, reorganize text on business card, make A and G symmetrical on back of business card, type on envelope is a good size try to make other stationery match, think of packaging for air freshener and maybe add business card info

What I think: Agree with most everything, I’m glad this feels like it’s finally coming together. As much as I’m getting sick of looking at it, I think there’s some success to be found in these concepts.

What I am going to do: I believe these are the final revisions so I guess it’s time to get nit-picky. I think type management is to be an absolute priority at this point, I mostly have the system down so its time to really clean it up and apply to all necessary pieces.

Email Signature:

see for a half-decent but FREE template

Week 8:

Stationery First Finish:

What I heard: Patter looks better, paper stock looks good, narrow pattern down to 2 sizes or maybe even just 1, on card make text flush with letter, add more info to card instead of repeating, card too crowded: shrink illustration & add border, experiment with color, try to add some small accents maybe, trace typeface for A and G, make sure type is consistent

What I think: I received plenty of good feedback, So far I like where I’m at with this so I’m happy to have some help fine tuning it. The business card is what I was struggling with most so thankfully I was able to find some direction during the critique. I’ve been hesitant to use color so far but only because I wanted a solid base before I started making those decisions but I think I’m ready to experiment with it.

What I am going to do: Revise. After I finish type management and sorting out some issues regarding composition I’m going to play with color a bit. I think I want to keep it mostly shades of primary colors. I’m open to others but bold and bright is what I’m striving for, I think it will contrast the black nicely.

Leave behind/Self Promo

  1. Air freshener
  2. Playing cards
  3. Multi-tool?


Portfolio Idea Board:

See bottom of Week 7 for Project 1 & 2 Documentation

Week 7:

Second Finish Logo:



Cover Letter:


Business Card:

What I heard: For color version use color instead of black, work info into portrait side of business card, use pattern on back, on envelope make logo smaller and make pencil horizontal, reorganize letterhead, 2 versions of logo is good idea

What I think: I had planned to color logo that way, I like the checkerboard pattern but I suppose I am open to trying out new patterns, I like to have the letterhead centered but maybe it could be more successful if I tried it another way. I like the direction things are headed but I think some things still need tweaked.

What I am going to do: Revise, I’m unsure what to do about the letterhead but I think that if I try a few things then I can find some direction. At this point I think I have a solid direction but a bit of experimentation could really help to push things further.

Project 1 Documentation:

Project 2 Documentation:

Week 6:

“Final” Personal Logo:

Color Studies:

Business Card Variations:


Week 5:

Logo Revisions (variations):

  1. Sometimes, it may need to be more prominent in others.
  2. The two on the right are probably more accurate than the others as they relate to my design aesthetic more.
  3. To an extent, yes. Definitely could be pushed further.
  4. The ones on the right are fine at most sizes, the others not so much.

5&6. Honestly, I think I m going to start from scratch. During the critique someone brought up that maybe I should revisit the “Jack of all trades” idea and try to incorporate it into my logo, so I think I’ll play with that for next class.

Project 1 Documentation:

Project 3 Revisions:

Week 4:

Project 1-Final:

Personal Branding Brainstorming:

Mood Board:

Logo Sketches:

Project 2-AIA Book:

cover for reference

What I heard: Try doing some line illustrations on top of photos, leave large colored type empty so it can be colored in, GET RID OF ORDER FORM, make one of the “TO BE AN ARCHITECT” either an outline, or orange, make color scheme match pencils or vice versa, Try doing book jacket with die cut for cover/pencil packaging

What I think: Great revisions, I really loved the idea of this book but was struggling to make it work. I really want the packaged pencils to function properly rather than being taped down.

What I am going to do: Definitely needs a book jacket, making that work is my top priority so it will be my first step. Also, I hadn’t realized until this critique that the pencils do not match the color scheme, oops. Lastly I definitely want to have some more spots that are able to be colored, so I will edit accordingly.

Week 3:

Professional Goals Statement

Murals, vehicle wraps, movie posters, album covers, photoshoots, and publications. I want to do it all. Versatility is what i strive for. The world of design holds so many opportunities and I don’t want to miss a single one. I’m determined to leave my mark in every place possible. Jack of all trades, master of none, but often times better than a master of one.

Second Crit: Fishing Guides

What I heard: Much better but; photos need to be warmer, change style of lures, work with duo-tones or tri-tones maybe, photos taken outside, tackle box, wet books, etc.

What I think: I agree, the full color photos don’t quite match the rest if the book. Also, I think that the books are best shot in a natural environment

What I am going to do: I am going to keep tweaking the photos until I feel that they fit well with the style of the books. The lures can look a bit more simple, however they should be labeled. I definitely feel more comfortable with the direction of this project, I think that after these revisions and some proper craft, they could be a really strong portfolio piece.

Week 2:


First Crit: Fishing Guides

What I heard: waterproof is good idea, limit color in photos, get rid of sketchy illustrations, tweak colors, duo-tone?, maybe try a grid, make images work together

What I think: I agree with the majority of feedback, I feel that this is currently one of my weaker portfolio pieces and it definitely needs some work. I really like the concept behind this project and I would love to make it a strong portfolio piece. My peers did a great job pointing things out as well as validating the issues that I personally had with it.

What I am going to do: I am going to try to find a color palette to play off of. I think that the illlustrations and photos could work well together if I manipulate the images correctly. The sketchy illustrations need to go, I agree that there is too much of a conflict in style. I want this project to have the sort of “old sign” feeling that I started with, but it definitely needs fine-tuned.

Week 1:

Studios: Snowberry, Bootstrap, Actual Size

Flaunt: Ordered

