Medium #15 (Final Review)

Sophia Kim
Senior Studio SHE
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2020

User Testing

After refining the journal and the copy, Sophia was able to get her father, Jae, to go through Carefull and think out loud. Since he is having some symptoms similar to cataracts, Jae was the perfect person to interview. Because Jae is not fluent in English, he mentioned how some of the words were still very confusing. However, overall, he really appreciated this journal because thinking about how he experiences doctors appointments, Jae often forgets some of the things discussed with the doctor. Also, he mentioned how he enjoyed the reflection pages a lot since he was able to process the information on the left pages and then connect it to the reflection prompts. After some feedback, we were able to make some changes to the design and the copy, making sentence structures shorter and vocabulary much easier. Once we made these changes, Sophia did another run through with Jae and he felt more comfortable with the language and understood the information without Sophia’s help. By reciting the reflection prompts and writing in the journal Jae felt more confident about his diagnosis and connected to the Carefull journal, in turn making him more comfortable with the idea of going to the doctors.

“I really enjoy going to the park for a long walk and it takes like 15 minutes to get there by car. I am starting to feel pain in my eye whenever the sun is bright… will cataracts stop me from going to the park? I relieve my stress by going for walks…”

Presentation Making

As Sophia was user testing, Hannah and Eunice started building the presentation. By using their storytelling skills, Hannah and Eunice were able to create a presentation centered around how an user would go through the journal. Through Sophia’s dad’s walkthrough, we were able to create this user journey through his responses.

Part of why we chose to go with a storytelling approach was because when we asked Kristin for feedback on our presentation on Monday, she encouraged us to talk more about user responses than our final design. Even though we had technical slides we had been preparing to show, like our design service blueprint, we decided to focus down on introducing a persona/user and their user journey through illustrations and responses to prompts to better humanize our presentation. Sophia had prepared voice clips of Jae to play during the presentation during the section with reponses, but we decided to just talk about the purpose of spreads while showing his responses through animated gifs instead, since we felt that it better explained our concept while also showing his input.

Review Feedback (Dec 16 Session B @ 2:50PM)

We were really glad to hear that our message was clearly explained to the audience (going completely paperless can leave behind the older adult population, which is quickly growing).

“As someone who is from the 20th century, I really appreciate this journal and the use of paper documents”

— Dr. McGaffey

Dr. Waxman, Dr. McGaffey, and Melissa commented on how the paper journal made sense and would probably be helpful for older patients, and also talked about how some of the prompts echoed some of the things they already ask patients (ex. repeating their diagnosis in their own words). They also commented how the journal would be very useful as a log for doctors if they get a patient transferred to them. While that was not something we directly considered in our user flow and structure, it’s something that could be pretty easily added to the system with a few modifications in the design service blueprint.

“As you know, working with seniors is a tricky population. You are communicating to them in an era of the conjunction of digital and analog. Many elders have a foot in both communication systems, but not all. And as we continue to expand into a global family, it is important to remember that only a tiny percent of people in the world have computers and smart phones. I think your project has the potential to span the gap between the communication systems very well.”

— Connie Merriman



Sophia Kim
Senior Studio SHE

Carnegie Mellon University — 2nd Year (Environment, Communication, and Sound Design)