Week 5: Feedback Presentation

This week we presented our concept for feedback on Tuesday. We decided to focus on getting feedback on the visual style of the booklet, flow of the website, and ways we could direct the grandparents to the website, especially because the website holds an extensive amount of information that is essential to our system working.

Some of the feedback that we received was very insightful and brought up some interesting things we should consider including:

  • Connection between booklet and website — the integration between the booklet and website it not apparent at the moment, in terms of both the content and the visual style. Creating this connection between the two, we will have to focus on establishing what the written content, balance of content (text vs. imagery) and tone. It is essential that we have a clear connection between these two mediums because the booklet is an entry point for the grandparents and kids, and the website holds the majority of information (more activities and lifestyle tips for the grandparents).
  • Written content — a seamless integration of the written content between the booklet and website will be essential for the grandparents and kids to feel that their learning is extending from one medium to the other. Also the connection to the different types of information we want the grandparents and kids to learn is disconnected at the moment. Currently we are focusing on the rainforest too much and need to integrate the daily actions that the grandparents can do into the content better, which is that the core of the problem that we need to tackle based on the original prompt.
  • Tone of the written content — at the moment, the tone of the writing is too clinical. We need to find a balance of informative but approachable and friendly. We also need to identify what tone we would use when writing content for the grandparents vs the children. It is important that the tone we set is one that makes both the grandparent and child feel as though the topics and activities we are presented are easily achievable.
  • Balance of text vs. imagery — at the moment, we have too much written text, especially for the kid’s elements. Because our age group is from 3–8 years, we have to figure out how we present information in a way that is approach to children. So by focusing on more imagery could be a way to make the booklet more engaging and interesting to look at for the children.

In addition, some of people had some interesting ways they thought we could help direction the grandparents to the website from the booklet, like leveraging mystery to direction them to the website, for ex. they can find a secret ingredient or something on the website that applies to the booklet.

Some people had concerns about the grandparents being able to use the website. I think that this issue came up because we did not state the age range of the grandparents, which we have identified as 50–70 years. People also had some concerns of how this is a single use activity, which I think came up because during our presentation we did not explain the system of our project well, so people did not have a full picture of the levels and variety of activities and content that the grandparents and kids would be able to engage with. So it will be important for us in the final presentation to state all this information clearly, and identify that we are only prototyping a small section of the system as a proof of concept.

For our project, the most important thing that we need to focus on at the moment is the written content and how it is integrated between the booklet and the website. For the long feedback sessions we will be having next Tuesday, we want to focus on written content and the tone of this content, as well as on how it is integrated within the booklet.

