The “Big Sister” at AUBG

Alexandra Gouleva
Seniors in Leadership
4 min readDec 5, 2019

The bright lights in ABF fill the area in front of the Admissions Office, where students have huddled on couches working on their assignments. On one of the red couches sits a student with a white fluffy coat, her brow furrowed in concentration as she designs the new hoodies for the Better Community Club. “Alright, let’s start this. I have two projects and a group meeting afterwards.”

This is Asya Velichkova — Business major with a concentration in Marketing, President of Better Community Club, Head of Marketing at Startup, and a Core Organizer (a.k.a “the Big Sister”) of the AUBG Multitalent Quest. And now, a graduating senior.

Being involved in so many activities would seem like a full plate for any AUBG student, let alone a senior. But for Asya, her clubs are much more than that; they’re personal causes she has devoted herself to. “I take everything too seriously and too personally,” she says, as she picks at the nail polish on her fingers. “I feel if I don’t do well with any of the clubs or any event that I’m organizing, it’s like I’m failing myself.” Her perfectionism and diligence often push her to the brink of exhaustion, but every project she’s passionately involved in holds a deep value for her.

Better Community Club is one such passion. Having joined the club last year, she had the opportunity to witness it grow from ten to thirty-three members, and she believes the club can bring a lot more to the table than people might think. “I saw this as a club with extraordinary potential for development,” she says, lovingly brushing a speck off the BCC logo sticker on her laptop. “There’s a huge opportunity to show what you can do. And I love to create.”

And create she does. As president, she ushered the creation of the social entrepreneurship competition “Innovation Station” — the first of its kind in the region, meant for AUBGers and high school students from Bulgaria alike.

Many feel Asya is very much like the sun, trying to shine everywhere and bring light to everything she touches. Her radiating presence is most strong within the AUBG Multitalent Quest, a competition designed for high school juniors. Even before setting foot on campus as a student, Asya was brought on board the small organizing team of the Quest when the idea of the project was still in its infancy. Sabina Wien, the “Mother” of the Quest, is Asya’s role model and kindred spirit. She feels Asya was and continues to be the driving force behind the quest. “Asya is definitely the “Elder Sister” of the Quest,” says Sabina. Asya’s energy, creativity and pro-activeness made a lasting impression on those around her. “She brings in the power of youth. The power of…” Sabina trails off, remembering something important, “She’s WonderAsya! That nickname had come to me spontaneously. It describes her quite well, because wonders are very powerful, and you never expect them.”

Asya’s strongest memory of AUBG is unsurprisingly tied to the Quest, during the ceremony of its third edition. A deeply emotional moment for her was when Sabina called her out on stage alongside Mustafa “SuperMussi” Ramadan, the “Big Brother” of the Quest, as people stood up and cheered for them and their work in making the Quest possible yet again. A sense of pride and accomplishment had washed over her. “You feel like you’ve made something,” she says, as her eyes light up at the memory. “These people are happy because I haven’t given up on the quest. I felt like every sacrifice was worth it.”

As a senior, Asya has some advice to impart on the new generation of students at AUBG. “Grab as much as you can, from clubs, professors, staff, from everywhere,” a wide smile breaks across her face as she excitedly gestures around her. For her, every experience AUBG has to offer is invaluable to shaping a student’s skills for the future, as long as they’re devoted to their cause. “AUBG is a lot like a gold mine. And in this gold mine, wherever you turn, there are people you can learn things from.”

For seniors, there are many opportunities and uncertainties that lie ahead. In her future, Asya sees an image of success, new projects, helping others, being part of the Alumni Association, and being an example for the new generation of AUBGers. She also sees herself staying close to AUBG. “I’m not the type of person to graduate and forget everything about university.”

Asya will keep moving forward, and AUBG, with all of its ups and downs, will forever hold a special place in her heart. “Every memory of AUBG, regardless if it’s good or bad, is a special one to me.” Her eyes shining with tears, she looks down at her laptop, containing countless projects inside, and outside the logos of all her clubs are proudly shown off. She smiles, and one can feel the words with which she describes this university come straight from her heart. “For me, AUBG is the place. The place for all ambitious, unique, brave, genius people.”


Alexandra Gouleva is studying Political Science and Journalism at the American University in Bulgaria. Alexandra wouldn’t have found her home at AUBG if it weren’t for Asya and the first edition of The Multitalent Quest back in 2017.



Alexandra Gouleva
Seniors in Leadership

I strive to write about everything and anything, bringing a new perspective on various topics and inspiring curiosity in readers.