Bringing the ideal of accessible sentiment analysis to the market

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3 min readMay 24, 2018

Cheap, effective and flexible sentiment analysis for everyone — that’s Senno’s goal, and the implications for entities big and small are dramatic. Imagine having access to an accurate picture of public opinion in real time. Whether you’re a marketing expert, political campaign manager or just an individual trying to figure out what brand of coffee to buy at the supermarket, having sentiment analysis at your disposal opens doors and creates possibilities that only newly discovered wells of information can.

But in order to find its place in the market, sentiment analysis must be supported by its own solid business model and forms of monetization. Well, Senno has the dream, the technology to back it up and the business logistics to make it happen.

Senno has set itself apart by creating an open platform for sentiment analysis and basing it on blockchain technology to drastically reduce costs in both fees and computing resources. Though an open SDK allows all kinds of new applications to be developed for the Senno platform, the core sentiment analysis product in all apps scans social networks, news sites, blockchain and other data sources for information from which it extracts relevant data according to predefined rules before producing sentiment data streams that contain refined information and trends.

That’s the core product available to the millions of potential clients across the entire retail market, expected to exceed $28 trillion in sales by 2019. Senno’s partnerships with 3rd parties will produce a wide range of crowd wisdom applications built around their core sentiment analysis engine that clients will subscribe to, creating one revenue stream for Senno. The other will come in the form of their B2B platform for sentiment data streams.

A great example of Senno’s apps and their potential, is Cryptoscanner, meant to make the cryptocurrency market more accessible to newcomers, thereby bringing it to a mainstream audience. Cryptoscanner does this by acting as a fully-functional, real-time, market-trading signal app for cryptocurrencies, relying on sentiment analysis to show accurate buzz and mood indicators for every coin at any chosen time frame. By applying sentiment analysis to cryptocurrency trading, Cryptoscanner makes it more advantageous and accessible to newcomers looking to learn the ropes.

These types of projects will help bring Senno’s brand of sentiment analysis to every industry and field thanks to its flexibility. There is no limit to the number or types of apps that can be developed and what their purposes might be.

Sentiment analysis has long been an exclusive arena reserved for the biggest players with financial and computing resources to spare. Senno’s product and business model is putting an end to all that, offering a quality product for a fraction of some competitors and one that is highly flexible and adaptable to every to industry, even yours.

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