How Senno is different (and better) than it’s competitors

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3 min readJul 19, 2018

Sentiment analysis has long been an expensive service, and not just in terms of monetary requirements. Sentiment analysis has always demanded extreme investments in computing power that not everyone can afford. These factors have kept this powerful technology and the edge that it can give a business in the hands of a few resource-rich entities. But what about the little guys?

Well, the little guys now have Senno. Senno is changing the entire nature of sentiment analysis by offering solutions to the issues that have kept sentiment analysis unreachable for smaller entities or even individuals. And what’s more, these issues aren’t just a thing of the past; they persist in some way, shape or form in all of Senno’s main competitors today. Let’s look at some of the ways Senno differs from and outshines its competitors.


Senno is particularly unique in its high level of flexibility, built as an open platform that can be used in literally any industry you can think to apply sentiment analysis to. Even individuals could choose to use Senno to help make their everyday decisions. Senno’s competitors, on the other hand, have focused their efforts squarely on one industry, limiting the potential of the technology and their own potential for growth.

Bottlenose and Semantria have both built a business model strictly catering to business intelligence. Sether has pursued online advertising and Saniment is active in the trading signals industry. Anyone hoping to use sentiment analysis in every other field can trust Senno’s open character to make sentiment analysis work for them.

Open source

Senno also wants to promote transparency and input from the people who want to use its sentiment analysis platform. That’s why Senno’s project is open source, so developers can see and judge the code for themselves, as well as develop their own external apps for Senno, but we’ll get back to that later.

Many players in the sentiment analysis arena, like Bottlenose and Semantria, play their cards closer to their chests and keep their code locked away.

Decentralized blockchain

Senno is fully decentralized on the NEO blockchain, bringing all the benefits that come with this technological revolution, particularly safety of information and accuracy of analysis results. Bottlenose and Semantria aren’t based on the blockchain at all, whereas Sether and Saniment have based their model on Etherium, which doesn’t offer the same level of security as NEO.

Senno’s use of blockchain is also a large part of what makes the platform so approachable for smaller entities. By decentralizing the entire process of sentiment analysis, no single server needs to stand up to the massive computation efforts required. This can instead by spread out across a countless number of contributors, offering users an easy, light-weight solution.

Development and extendibility

Senno also lends itself a wide variety of uses with a high level of evolutionary adaptability. With an open SDK and API, developers around the world can construct their own apps for the Senno platform based specifically on their specific needs. The means that as economies change and develop, Senno can and will naturally adapt with to meet new demands. This model greatly enhances the extendibility of the platform.

While Semantria and Sether follow similar practices, Bottlenose and Saniment don’t have an open SDK or any chance of extending the use of their products beyond a singular niche.


Perhaps the most attractive reason to choose Senno over its competitors is the price you pay. While Senno offers various services that cost as little as $240 yearly, Sether hasn’t reduced prices below $400 while Semantria offers its bare basics for $12,000 and Bottlenose is completely out of reach for smaller entities with costs between $200,000 and $1 million yearly.

So, why Senno? That’s easy. Senno is cheap, safe and highly adaptable. You don’t have to work for Senno, Senno can easily be made to work for you, whatever you need it for.

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