Senno’s CryptoScanner, built on sentiment analysis

Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2018

Big data is a big deal for a big reason. The business applications of having access to personal data are numerous and the potential for profit is too great to ignore.

Businesses informed by big data have a huge advantage over those that aren’t. They could use personal data for marketing, research or product development. But one of the most promising niches within the personal data industry is sentiment analysis.

With AI constantly improving, sentiment analysis makes use of big data to interpret public opinion on any given topic. AI scans social media, comments on news articles, blogs and even the content of YouTube videos in order tell a business how people feel about a product, a marketing campaign or a new cultural development.

The world is quite literally at your fingertips when using sentiment analysis. That’s why Senno has built CryptoScanner, a fully-functional, real-time market-trading signal app for cryptocurrencies that shows accurate trading signals based on buzz and mood indicators for the top coins at any given time.

Sure, there are cryptocurrency “gurus” or experts who try to read the market, keep up on new, up-and-coming currencies to invest in, but CryptoScanner analyzes public opinion to produce mathematically-based information on the behavior of the crypto market.

CryptoScanner exhibits the implementation of Senno’s user-side module, including on-chain access over NEO to Senno smart contracts and access to semantic content, reports, and analysis from decentralized cloud storage while providing real-time, sentiment analysis-based trading signals.

Main features:

  • Trading signals provided by real-time scanning of cryptocurrency channels
  • Analysis of multiple cryptocurrencies
  • Filtering multiple time frames
  • Configurable alerts based on mood and buzz changes
  • API interface to leading exchanges to allow executions of trades

As an added bonus, CryptoScanner is designed to make it easier for newcomers to participate in the crypto market. That’s why CryptoScanner’s interface is made to be user-friendly and approachable. Having inside information on the industry and selected cryptocurrencies also helps build confidence for newcomers who might otherwise hesitate to invest.

This dynamic means that CryptoScanner actively improves the health of the crypto industry and spreads its benefits to more people and more industries.

So, if you’ve been waiting to get in on the crypto game, now’s the time. It’s never been a safer bet to invest and follow your favorite cryptocurrency than by using CryptoScanner and the wonders of personal data and sentiment analysis.

Want to know more about our CryptoScanner? Join our live conversations on Telegram!



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An open, smart contract customer data platform that allows individuals to monetize and control their private information while providing data for industries.