How to be a Designer

tips on design and getting into the design business

Oluwapelumi Aina-Badejo
Senpai Collective
3 min readFeb 23, 2019


Office Desk. Images source —

The Designer’s Starter Kit (according to me):

  • A laptop — so far it can run CorelDRAW/Illustrator
  • “Legally” obtained CorelDRAW/Illustrator software
  • Data subscription — The more the better
  • An Instagram account — With graphic designer in the bio
  • Bookmarked motivational/inspirational sites — VERY IMPORTANT
  • Trusted access to movies/music/good food — ALSO IMPORTANT(if you have a friend that can provide all these, NEVER let that person go!!!)
  • And lastly ….

It was quite fun coming up with this, but no need to worry being a designer is a very interesting experience and like anything in life once you put in the effort the rewards will be worth it.

So, lets dive right in

Who is a Designer

In our daily lives there are two common ideas about design. One relates to the form(look) of the product eg “I love the colors used in the design of that flyer” and the other deals with the usability eg “ that phone is so bulky and misshapen, it was poorly designed”. From these two conceptions we can then define a designer simply as:

One who brings together the two ideas of both beauty and usability in order to effectively solve a given problem or to efficiently meet a projected need

Requirements to be a Designer

I will say that the key requirement to be a designer is to be a problem solver. Design is not just about making something fine, but it is about solving a need effectively in the best way possible. This also requires for one to also have good people skills. You first have to understand people before you can understand the problems they are facing and how they can be resolved.

The Design Industry is open to every one regardless of background or what you studied in school. It is not age restricted and can be ventured into regardless of age.

Steps to being a Designer

#1: Understand the Design Industry: The first step is to understand what you are going to. Its not all about the software, you first have to do your research on this new path you want to embark. Know more about the various career opportunities available in the design industry, learn from the industry giants and basically seek to know more. It is key that you understand Design theory, and also the fundamentals of design. There are great books already written on these topics which will give you a solid foundation

#2: Start Designing: If after step one, you are not sure of which design field will fit you, do not be worried, the key thing is just to start and overtime you will discover yourself gravitating to one particular niche. But this doesn’t mean that you should run away from tough challenges because it is in overcoming this challenges that we grow. Once your foundation is solid it helps better

#3: Get a Mentor: Have someone who can critique or spot faults in your design,then advise on what works better and also monitor your growth. Do not rush to choose a mentor, take time to get one. If your mentor is good, it will be a further bonus to you. Someone who has gone ahead of you can teach you and guide you and also give you tips and strategies that may have taken him/her years to gain.

#4: Surround yourself with other designers: Being around other designers will boost your growth and development level because you are competing daily, sharing ideas and motivating each other. And you will see yourselves improving.

#5: Seek to better yourself: Be self-driven, be able to push and motivate yourself always. Seek out new knowledge(thank God for Google!), be inquisitive, meet new people, try new techniques, learn more, never get to comfortable in one place. Be disciplined, relate well with others, be a problem solver, help when needed, treat your clients well (whether they pay or not) and I believe before long you will be a great designer

Well, i will end it here for now, if you want to know more, you can always Google it. Till later guys!!

