How To Get Your Sh*t Together: 6 Tools To Help Your Productivity

Senpai Collective
Published in
4 min readAug 21, 2019

‘Knowledge is power is time is money’ — Mr. Rikkard Ambrose

This is Mr. Rikkard Ambrose’s favourite quote, my best character in the book, Storm and Silence. He says this to anyone who intends to waste his precious time on any unproductive activities, to remind them that his power and affluence is hinged on how knowledgeable he is, and his wealth or success is as a result of the important things he uses his time.

What do you use your time for?

In Nigeria where you have to be on your way to work before the cock crows and only get to rest when the sun is fast asleep, you have to be conscious of what you use your time for.

A lot of people equate productivity and busyness, however, you could be doing a lot of things but yet achieving so little.

Nevertheless, you can save yourself from time waste and become more productive, if you know and engage tools to help you get your shit together. Everyone deserves to get their sh*t together.

1. Everything Google

I believe google is a proactive and futuristic brand that was able to recognize that we humans are going through a hustle and bustle life, hence they created google power kit to make life easier for us.

  • Google search engine: to search for any information you can think of on the World Wide Web and across all platforms.
  • Google docs: to create, edit, share sync documents into cloud and collaborate with teammates.
  • Google sheet: helps to also create, edit, share and collaborate with others on spreadsheets from your phone or desktop devices.
  • Goog,le drive: used to easily create, organize and share any type of files. Also, a convenient way to brainstorm on projects with other people as well as cloud storage.
  • Google calendar: apart from being a calendar, this helps to plan your events and outings using a reminder, have personal goals, quick event creation, all in one place.
  • Google keep: to make notes, record a memo on the go, and make lists on any device.
  • Google slides: create presentations in a slideshow, rearrange slides, edit and work together with other teammates.

2. Evernote

Evernote works more like a part of your brain that stores information by taking note of things on your behalf. Evernote does more than note-taking, by helping you store important files and documents, attach links, and audio recordings to documents and also search for information from business cards.

3. Dropbox paper

This is an online brainstorming platform where creative people bring ideas to to the table in a single place. You can have a paper document, invite others to be part of it, and anyone added can see and update the Dropbox files in the Paper doc.

4. Buffer

For the social media savvy fellas, buffer makes your virtual life more easier as it is a social media automation tool. Automatically upload all your social media posts using Buffer either through your desktop or mobile device. You can set reminders for posts or it automatically posts them on your behalf.

5. Asana

Why exchange endless mails, when you can simply use Asana as a Virtual Board Meeting Room. This is a tool which helps team’s communication and project management better than you can ever imagine. Asana allows you to assign tasks to team members, set the deadline for work and communicate with each other. It is available in web and application version (Android or iOS), so the device type is not an issue.

5. Grammarly

This simply saves you the trouble of going through the dictionary for every single sentence you make use of. This app just scans through already typed document and points out where corrections by underlining the mistakes. It doesn’t stop there, it also suggests corrections for the mistakes, or add it to the dictionary if it’s a brand or unrecognized word or name.

6. Freedom

Pop-up ads and social media notification always find a way to distract us from work and concentration. Freedom is an app that reduces digital distractions across all of your devices as it helps to improve focus and productivity. Freedom blocks every and anything to help you more productive, sync blocks across Mac, Windows, iPhone, or iPad and plans out sessions that repeats daily or weekly.

With this few points of mine… oh! Just kidding. I believe this would help you a lot to ration your time well and be more efficient at home or at work. Remember,

Knowledge is power is time is money

By A Ready Quill (#ARQ)

For comments and contribution, you can reach via or follow me on Twitter, @edna_wande.



Senpai Collective

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