How To Inject Creativity Into Your Daily Life.

Chioma Nwoke
Senpai Collective
Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2019

There’s a lot out there about creativity and creatives. These two are inter-wined and share the same similarities and basics.

Creativity stems from a place of self awareness and self consciousness. The ability to express your innate thoughts and ideas can be termed as creativity. This however is from my own point of view.

As a budding creative, I find it difficult to express myself comfortably especially in these present times. There’s that scare of not being acceptable, seeming weird or out place. Hence the major reason I joined Senpai Collective. As lazy as I’ve been with this platform, it helps however to know that there’s a place I can express myself comfortably. Thank you Henry ❤️

Back to injecting creativity into your everyday life; first step is Imagination.

The Imagination is the golden pathway to everywhere. — Terence McKenna.

There’s nothing as amazing and awesome as your imagination. Imagination births innovations, world changing ideas and so much more. What is it you want to see happen, first imagine it. Paint the picture in your head and watch it come alive.

Imagination however with no actions is simply just that; an imagination. It’s very essential that you back your imaginations with relevant actions to actualize them.

Imagination co relates with your vision, what inspires you and thinking outside the box. Inspiration breeds imagination which can be narrowed down to specifying your vision and goals. You think there’s a different approach to a problem, find it and do it. Thinking outside the box simply implies trying out new tactics to a present situation or condition. Think there’s a new approach to encouraging environmental sustainability, try it out!

Let’s think about it together; say you read a book on iconic fashion trends through the years, you get inspired by the show of clothes maybe, cuts and patterns. There’s a sub conscious picture being painted in your mind already. Imagination is now focusing on that picture then backing it up with specific actions thereby turning it into a vision or goal. The finishing touch is putting yourself in spaces to help you birth your imagination and making it a reality. Sounds like a lot of processes, well it’s actually a lot but very and highly achievable.

All you have to do is dream and explore your imaginations. There’s a whole world waiting for all that goes on in your head. Why not let it out today?

To thrive at whatever you do, you have to however be consistent and put in effort. It’s said that it takes 21 days to make anything a habit. So ask yourself what habits you want and stay consistent at them. You want to thrive as a creative, stay consistent. An hour, 45 mins everyday; stay consistent and watch you grow beyond your expectations.

It can get overwhelming. Remember to go easy on yourself and try not to listen so much to those voices in your head screaming of doubts. There’s so much to you than what meets the eye.

Stay sharp. Stay sane. Fuel your imaginations and bloom like the flower you are.

