Something About Knowledge…

Solaru Olusegun Emmanuel
Senpai Collective
Published in
4 min readJul 16, 2019

It's beautiful to know that humanity is blessed with a lot of resources, but as much as these resources are, we would never be able to harness their true potentials until we know how to use them. There's therefore a need to acquire knowledge which I believe is one of the most powerful things gifted to humans... I call it "the gift of knowing"... and so I'll be sharing a few things knowledge can do when acquired.

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  • Knowledge Saves You The Stress

Imagine a person in this age of digitalization going a long way to the cyber café to surf the net while he has a smart phone with him and probably a laptop at home. Of course, the problem is not that the cyber café is the only place where he can gain access to the intejrnet but that he doesn't know he can also have access to the internet with his smartphone or maybe he doesn't know how to use it for that purpose. And this applies to many situations in our daily lives. Therefore, having knowledge about something is the way of working smart instead of working hard.

  • Knowledge Gives An In depth Understanding About A Subject Matter

I remember sometime ago while I started learning UI/UX designs, I took an online course(design 101) and we were given an assignment. I took on the assignment, and did something that was totally cool to me and awkward to everyone else that saw it because I didn’t even get a single comment when I shared it 😂. Really, my idea of UI/UX was just about creating screens, adding buttons, text, finishing it with colors, etc. But as I began to expose myself to different resources(books, tutorial videos and even the Instagram handles of senior UI/UX designers, I got a better view of the field and of course, I can not design the way I did when I just started learning.

  • Knowledge Keeps You Informed

Around the world right now, even as I write, many things are going on… Political happenings, startup companies are being built, apps and websites are being launched, laws are being made, sports competitions are being played etc. To stay informed/updated and not lag behind on these happenings around the world, you need to acquire knowledge about these things.

  • Knowledge Builds Self Esteem and wards off inferiority

One of the most powerful things I’ve seen knowledge do even in my life is taking away inferiority complex. The reason why many people feel inferior amongst their peers is because while in their midst, they have no grasp of what their friends are talking about and then inferiority sets in because they cannot contribute in the discussion and it makes them feel doll. And so, acquiring knowledge has a way of making you feel among and sometimes even “superior” while in the midst of others

  • Knowledge Gives You An Edge

I think it’s safe to say that we all know that What You Know Is What Distinguishes You. It’s a proven fact that knowledge distinguishes people according to class. Evidently, the manager of a company, say a bank, knows or knows how to do something that the ordinary cashier doesn’t, the same way it is with the cashier and the security man at the gate. Even in the educational institution, the best student in the class is usually set apart not because he’s more intelligent than the other students but because asides what was being taught in the class, he has done his own research and displayed the additional knowledge he obtained in the class. Therefore, to gain a higher level of access, there’s something you have to know.

So, dear reader😃, to that skill you have, add knowledge, to that talent/gift, add knowledge... And don’t forget to breathe😇.

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