What is Time Management?

Oluwapelumi Aina-Badejo
Senpai Collective
Published in
4 min readFeb 19, 2019
Image source — Pixabay.com

What is Time?

The word “time” is something everyone is familiar with but most people still struggle with the concept around it.

“ The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole” — Oxford Dictionary

In a layman’s term, it can be said to be a continuous progression of existence that affects all things whether living or non living.

Man endeavoured to measure time as soon as he became aware of his surroundings, and the first tools he used for measuring was the rising and the setting of the sun.

But this is not why we are here, we are here to learn how to manage our time so as to effectively make use of the 24hrs which has been made available to us. So after I evaluated different articles online, I was able to get some tips on Time Management

#Tip 1 — Monitor your Time

Image source — Pixabay.com

Before you start managing your time, first do a study of where all your time goes to. That is, what currently takes up most of your time. This is actually very necessary as it will help you know which activities to drop and which to dedicate less time to.

It is advisable to have a watch/clock/time-checking device at hand all times to effectively carry this out. You will be suprised at how much time you spend just “checking what is happening on social media” or “watching that movie”

#Tip 2 — Schedule Your Time

Image source — Pixabay.com

Next is to schedule your time. Here, there is no set standard and it depends on you and the goals you plan to achieve for yourself.

Here it is also advisable that you leave room for distraction and another helpful tip I discovered was also to group similar tasks together. For instance, put tasks that require a lot of thinking with each other.

Because it is easier for our brain to keep on working in one mode than to be switching for one mode to the other like a windshield wiper.

Make sure to also give yourself time to rest inbetween tasks as our brain needs to cool off and also to refresh ourselves.


#Tip 3 — Learn to say NO

Images Source — http://blog.designingyourlifetoday.com/embracing-no-and-expecting-yes/

The word “NO” is very, very important as it can make or break your time management practice. Being able to say “No” is a skill that should be learned if we want to effectively make use of our time.

If we cannot say it, most of our time allocated to our tasks will end up being used helping others meet up with theirs. Don’t get me wrong, helping others is good but you have to draw a line at some point. If you don’t you will never achieve anything and you will end up feeling tired and burnt out by the end of the day.

As the saying goes “Time is Money” in order words Time — Your Time is very valuable and should be treated as such. Don’t associate with those who do not value your time as well as you do

#Tip 4 — Be Disciplined

Image source — https://www.rudnerlaw.ca/employers/discipline/

Which brings us to the last tip — Discipline. It goes without saying that an undisciplined person will never amount to much.

Discipline is VERY IMPORTANT in Time

Well on that note, i will end it here for today, also the key is to keep at it, if it doesn’t work the first time, go back to the drawing board, revise your strategy and start over.

Till next time guys!!

