How I Built My Startup Team Using Sensay

From idea to business with the help of the anonymous network

3 min readFeb 16, 2017


The Sensay community is filled with all kinds of helpful humans. From jobs, to recipes, to travel tips — we’re unlocking the stories of people utilizing the Sensay community to improve their lives.

We’ve seen stories from the perspective of someone landing a $35,000 contract to someone who found a job on Sensay at Sensay (whoa, meta!). This time, we’ll take a look at things from the other side of the deal — a psychologist turned startup founder, who used Sensay to build his entire team.

What’s your name?

Ramtin Neydawood

Where are you a local?

Los Angeles

What are you a Sensay in?

Psychology, startups, fatherhood, relationships, and mindfulness.

Who are you interested in helping?

Anyone who’s genuinely searching; that’s why I decided to be a Psychologist. I’ve worked with children, families, couples, the elderly, the homeless, and veterans.

And, now that I’m an active member in the startup community, I’m interested in offering support to those who are experiencing the ups and downs of building their own companies.

What have been your favorite experiences using Sensay so far?

Well, I was able to find my current startup team through Sensay! My startup is in stealth currently. What I will say, is that by using Sensay, it felt like we were not starting off at ground zero, because by the time I met them, the seeds of trust were already planted.

I was able to find my current startup team through Sensay!

Lacking a technical background can be daunting when you’re building a startup. There have been numerous encounters with kind people for me on Sensay. For example, I found a group of kind and helpful mentors called the Bixel Exchange in Los Angeles, who were essential to guiding this process.

On another occasion I found myself in a bind for Mother’s Day, not having a restaurant reservation. That morning, someone recommended an app that allowed me to reserve a top-notch restaurant for the evening. Boom. Mother’s Day was saved!

What excites you most about being a part of the Sensay community?

There seems to be a common thread — people with a bend towards technology, and helping others. It feels like a community at the frontier of something.

It feels like a community at the frontier of something.

Connect with Ramtin

Twitter: @Ramtin_N


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