Discover Knowledge Workers Globally with SENSE

Brandon Hiemstra
8 min readApr 2, 2018


By Brandon Hiemstra, Partner Success at SENSE

Work today as we know it, is changing. New technologies and innovations that increase labor efficiencies are displacing humans around the world, from traditional jobs that are prone to automation, to those that require a technical skill set . This has created much of the FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) around AI that leaders today like Elon Musk are concerned with. However, with all new innovations, there are always pros and cons. Not enough thought leaders talk about the potential these new technologies have for humans to monetize other assets that have previously been underutilized. The sharing economy was the first wave.

Decentralization and the spread of cryptocurrency is transforming the world into an interoperable marketplace with tremendous opportunities for each human on the planet.

At SENSE, we believe the next wave is coming, and it’s called Knowledge Work, where humans can be empowered from the things they know and are passionate about — a dormant asset no company has managed to fully unlock. As individuals, we have passions and interests that naturally peak our attention and curiosity to learn. The knowledge we accumulate from learning about the things we care about has tangible value. We see the value of this information by the billions of dollars that companies like Facebook make from the things you know — selling your unique persona to other companies without your permissions or awareness. Our goal at SENSE is to give you back that value and create a new way to earn an income from monetizing the things you know and care about.

There are a number of companies redefining the future of work and building amazing communities. However, current discovery technologies such as search engines, social networks, and app stores are not optimized for finding these awesome humans by their skills and life experience. As a result…

Incredible user communities exist like Michelin star restaurants on roads with little traffic or signage

SENSE provides the GPS to help identify and route awesome humans to each other, relevant apps and broader opportunities.

This provides incentives to humans themselves and all the professional communities and apps in which they belong, since both the user and the app that attributed them are recorded via SENSE.

Humans are multi-faceted, possessing a rich range of life experiences and expertise. We are partnering with a few select companies that share our vision, but most importantly have the teams, technology, and passion to execute and build amazing platforms that empower awesome humans in this next wave.

We are excited to collaborate with these incredible communities. Here are some highlights on them.

M4jam Jobbers are Your Global Eyes and Ears

M4Jam is a mobile app that pays its on-demand users to complete micro-jobs in their vicinity, allowing clients to crowdsource data and gather insights.
Matching people and micro-jobs, the app enables individuals to earn money by completing tasks on their smartphones. These tasks can take the form of traditional ‘work’ such as surveys and data collection, or they could entail the completion of a learning module. Growing in the developing world, where job security is a major issue, M4Jam creates new opportunities and flexibility for individuals to earn an income, all with their mobile phones. Companies now have a tool for effective crowdsourcing and incentivized learning. SENSE will be used to discover new potential users and be rewarded to M4jam jobbers for the knowledge work they do on the platform.

Skyllz Validates Humans with Mad Skills

Discovering talented individuals remains a challenging problem to solve. Skyllz is designed to empower people based on their exceptional abilities and talents. The platform standardizes and unifies the validation of every skill (professional or not) you acquire, apply, or improve on the ethereum blockchain. Users participate, transact and automatically track their self-development freely across the applications on top of the protocol. This is made possible with an open-source skill validation protocol that enables users to validate skills acquisition, allocation, contextualization, and boosting freely within and across skills touchpoint application such as e-learning platforms, networking platforms, offline education platforms or any other platform that wants to benefit and add value to the skyllz ecosystem. SENSE will be used to route new users to the Skyllz platform and earn for the knowledge work they do, such as validating their abilities and talents.

Access Top Professionals for Gigs via Troopmarket

Troopwork is changing and innovating freelance work with WorkCoin. The blockchain allows users to to buy services on the TroopWork Web, IOS and android apps with escrow and arbitration with the WRK token. Solving the problem of identity that no other proprietary freelance platform, who hide service providers and names of identities, have been able to solve. Workcoin is built on the idea of transparency and keeping costs as low as possible. Service providers are encouraged to authenticate their accounts with LinkedIn, GitHUB and other services and add links to past work. Users purchase services with the WRK token which is exchanged for Ethereum on the website. Sellers deliver their service over chat. The WRK coins can be exchanged for ETH and other coins in App. SENSE is an exchangeable token on the WRK coin platform and will be used to discover new awesome humans who are looking for freelance work.

Interview Able, Willing and Verified Job Seekers on ABL

Acquiring the best people today is a challenge. Even more of a challenge is finding and matching the right roles with the relevant experience of professionals. ABL solves existing hiring workflow problems with an open-source, decentralized blockchain-enabled platform that empowers and rewards career expanding behaviour. The ABL platform ensures complete transparency between candidates and HR managers, providing a balanced compensation to all agents in the hiring process. Removing inefficiencies like time and cost to filter qualified candidates for a position is also made possible. The end result of using ABL, is an efficient and cost-effective hiring process, improved job retention, and increased job satisfaction. SENSE will be used to access new users from other apps in the SENSE ecosystem and be rewarded to ABL users for engagement on the platform.

The World’s Most Dangerous and Helpful Hackers at Hacken

Cyber security is becoming a more relevant and ever-demanding issue for companies, especially those built on the blockchain. This technology is evolving at a rapid pace, but is still young and novel enough to have vulnerabilities in the architecture. Hacken is solving this problem with an ecosystem that is a community driven business organization created to nourish the connection between blockchain and cybersecurity communities, promote hacker ethics, and encourage legitimate research of computer networks and software. The Hacken ecosystem will allow customers to acquire high quality penetration test services and vulnerabilities assessment for their products. The whole process, as well as key findings are timestamped and published to the blockchain-based HackenProof Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures certificate, uniquely issued for each project. The services will be provided by white hat hackers centered around HackIT- the major Eastern European cyber security conference conducted annually in Kharikiv, Ukraine. SENSE will be an additional reward for the knowledge work the white hat hackers do on the platform and used for routing new users from other apps.

MetaCert Heroes Keeping Browsing Safe

Whether its a mobile app, or an IoT device, if it communicates over http, the MetaCert Security API can add a thin but very powerful layer of security to help protect consumers from malicious attacks over the internet. The ethereum blockchain has allowed the MetaCert Protocol to expand on their vision by having an incentive token with built-in mechanics that rewards people for submitting and verifying the categorization of URIs (uniform resource identifiers), while mitigating the risk of bad actors trying to spoil the quality of the registry. The problem MetaCert is solving has been a serious issue plaguing the numerous stakeholders on the internet. Multi-billion dollar cyber security companies, license trust and reputation data about URIs from third-parties like MetaCert. Advertisers also need intelligence on URIs so they can avoid undesirable content while targeting specific categories. Anyone can build products and services on top of the registry. SENSE will be rewarded with the MetaCert token for the knowledge work users do by submitting and verifying the categorization of URIs and to access new users.

Growing a Community of Global Entrepreneurs with Blockstarters

Founded by entrepreneurs in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry, Blockstarters understands the skills required to bridge the gap between an idea and a successful business. They are the first incubator in South Africa focusing on cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups from the around the world. Blockstarters aims to empower companies that can yield a positive change for the major problems facing Africa and around the developing world, like employment. Aligning with the vision of SENSE, that one should be rewarded for what you know, not just how much you do, companies like Zimpeto, in the Blockstarters portfolio allow individuals to validate their unique skills and educational background with the use of smart certificates.

Powerful tools for Top Crypto Asset Investors on Blockchain Terminal

Lead by a team with decades of experience in the financial sector, Blockchain Terminal (BCT) goes beyond anything that has previously existed, including the Bloomberg terminal. With a single integrated surface, BCT brings together all the tools hedge funds need to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. The design exceeds the most robust hedge fund industry-compliance requirements by adding a layer of transaction accountability that combats fraudulent behavior. With over 1400 cryptocurrencies BCT also supports exchange integration and promises to be the one stop shop the savvy investor needs as they navigate this new asset class.

Each quarter, SENSE will focus on a particular theme and partner with select communities pioneering and innovating within that space. Our theme for Q1–2018 was Global Knowledge Work. The partners above represent a select early cohort of communities partnering with SENSE. We’ve had an overwhelming response to our outreach at conferences and meetups around the world and will be announcing many more partners soon. If you have a community of awesome humans and want to partner with us to make SENSE, email
Stay tuned to our telegram and twitter for more in depth details on each partnership and our Q2 business roadmap.



Brandon Hiemstra
Writer for

Management Sciences background. Curious and passionate about Blockchain technologies, history, economics and politics.