Random Chats of Kindness Week

Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2017

Sensay partners with International Pay it Forward Day 2017 to promote global kindness.

On April 28th 2017 the world will create a ripple effect of kindness through their actions and words — a movement known as International Pay it Forward Day. Sensay is proud to curate a series of positive chats, articles, and community activities in conjunction with International Pay it Forward Day for what we are calling Random Chats of Kindness Week!

International Pay it Forward Day was founded in 2007 by Blake Beattie in Australia having been inspired by the novel Pay it Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde. Since then the movement has experienced a decade of success with over 80 countries participating and registering over 10 million acts of kindness each year.

“We may be only one person in this world, but to one person, at one time, we are the world” –Pay it Forward Day

This year Sensay has partnered with Darlene Santore, International Pay it Forward Day USA’s official ambassador, to launch our Random Chats of Kindness campaign promoting these acts of positivity. This week we will inspire our users to engage each other in the name of kindness, love, gratitude, and giving through chat. We’ve seen how the Sensay community rises to help their fellow humans with our #NoBully Campaign last fall, and Random Chats of Kindness Week will follow suit.

“We find that Sensay members organically invests in kind chats with one another, and this campaign will only elevate an already thriving positive community.” — Crystal Rose, Sensay Founder.

Each day we will promote a different kindness chat topic on Sensay. Popular chat topics in the Sensay community are oftened centered around the human experience of love, relationships, and belonging and it is in these chats that our message of positivity will shine. Sensay’s product even features am opt-in Kindness Tribe which will elevate it’s members to take part as leaders in the movement. Our week’s campaign will culminate in a surprise ‘Random Chats of Kindness’ pop-up event on April 28th in Santa Monica in celebration of International Pay it Forward Day.

Follow Sensay and our kind acts on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook throughout the week.

Have your own Random Chats of Kindness on Sensay in your favorite messenger.

Justin Jones is a Community Sensay and the first member of the Kindness Tribe.



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one contact with the experience of millions of humans