Startup Founder & Travel Guru Uses Sensay to be the Life of the Party

Justin Ezor
Published in
4 min readJun 20, 2016

The Sensay community is filled with all kinds of helpful humans. From jobs to recipes to travel tips — the ways people discover the benefits of tapping into the network are truly endless.

We’ve been collecting incredible stories from our community having all tpyes of experiences; from landing a $35,000 contract by being helpful to a fellow human to outsourcing your love life on Sensay. These stories show the benefits Sensay can have for both your professional and personal life. What about when you’re traveling or in a new town?

Gillian Morris, world traveler and founder of Hitlist, shares how she uses Sensay to get help from anonymous humans whilst traveling, and how she helps fellow travelers save money.

I want everyone in the world to travel more! … I’ll help you save thousands of dollars on flights, hotels/hostels, and experiences on the road.

What do you KNOW on Sensay?

travel, flights, Istanbul, startups, Europe, hotels

Where are you from?

I was born in New York City, but live in San Francisco now… supposedly. I live out of my backpack so I can move around pretty easily and I typically spend about 10 days a month on the road.

Who are you most passionate about helping?

I want everyone in the world to travel more! Travel inspires, it gives you perspective, it helps distribute money and promotes respect for nature and other cultures. I’ll help you save thousands of dollars on flights, hotels/hostels, and experiences on the road.

As a Sensay, I’ve answered NEED’s like…

“Need a first class ticket to Istanbul tomorrow”

“Need travel advice. I want to go to Europe — where’s the cheapest place to travel to?”

I’ve helped people find good food, beaches, parties, museums and more.

What was your favorite experience using Sensay so far?

I like to entertain, and have found Sensay really useful for local recommendations. I’ve used it to source a restaurant in Los Angeles with the vibe I was searching for, and a wine store in New York.

Tell us more…

While in New York, I needed a couple cases of wine delivered at a discount to the place I was staying. I decided to try Yelp, but there were so many options and I didn’t feel like I could trust the reviews.

I tried Sensay, “Need a recommendation for a wine store in NYC that offers bulk discount and delivers”

Within a minute I had a helpful response. They asked where I was in the city and gave me the name and number of a store that offered a discount and delivered. They even gave me the name of the owner! I’ll definitely be ordering from them again next time I’m in NYC.

Another time, while I was traveling in Los Angeles, I was with a group of six people, and we were looking for a Thai restaurant nearby. I told Sensay I “Need a good Thai restaurant not too far from Hollywood for 6 people — not tacky”

The recommendation was perfect!

What excites you most about being a part of the Sensay community?

I love the fact that I’m communicating with a human who’s helping me out of a genuine desire to advise — ok, and build up Sensay coins. I’ve tried to ask for help over Facebook or Twitter before, but there’s never been enough distribution to get really good feedback — from Sensay I know I’ll get a relevant response.

What’s your startup and your mission?

I make Hitlist, an app that alerts you when there are cheap flights to the places you want to go. Instead of searching, you put in your constraints and interests — where and when you’re free to travel, and about how much you’d like to spend — and we keep you posted on the absolute best deals. We want to inspire and enable people to travel more for less.

What might someone be surprised to know about you?

I used to live in the bell tower of a Cathedral and sang in operas, concerts, and nightclubs for a living. I also led the children’s choir while living in the bell tower.

Connect with Gillian

Gillian Morris
Snapchat: gillianim

Get Sensay on your favorite messenger and ask for what you NEED about: travel, flights, Istanbul, startups, Europe, hotels



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Justin Ezor
Writer for

Startup Coach | Customer & Community Development Strategist