Always Pick That Cashmere Sweater With The Red Dot

Learning how to save by watching TV

Nit Arora
Sense With Cents


cashmere sweater, red dot, seinfeld, woman
Spot that red dot! Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

Seinfeld is probably the best TV show of all time. Nearly 30 years after the show ended, the subjects discussed in that show are still relevant. That’s the definition of timeless.

They cover stories about humans. Problems that highlight, mock, and expose our inherent human inconsistencies.

What does Seinfeld have to do with saving money, you ask?

Well, one of the biggest human inconsistencies of all time is:

  • being okay to pay high prices for luxury goods while knowing you’re getting ripped off, but
  • feeling guilty for buying the same product at a steep discount if there is an insignificant problem with it.

In fact, it’s a faux pas to do this while gifting to others.

And one Seinfeld episode covers that beautifully.

Let me explain.

In this episode, Elaine, one of the main characters in the show, gets George, another main character, a job at her company.

After being bullied into buying her a gift by other friends, George goes to a store and finds her the perfect gift.



Nit Arora
Sense With Cents

Write about random things and work things like tech, consulting and finance