Walking with Color

Sense Yourself
Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2022

Our vision is perhaps the most intuitive when it comes to living mindfully. As you live your life, it is important to consider what you are seeing and take notes of what is around you. I am the first to admit that throughout myself I have not been someone who pays attention to the physical things around me. With all of the stimulation that is provided to us on a daily basis, it is easy to not pay attention to your surroundings. Any type of walk I go on, I’ve got my earbuds in and my phone in my hand, mindlessly scrolling through social media during any moment in which my entire attention is not needed.


But, the point of mindful living is to live mindfully in every moment that we can. And that means being more aware of what is around you and those of us who are blessed with sight have a great opportunity to do so.

Now, I know what you’re thinking.

Am I just suppose to…just…look around…more? That sounds like a hard thing to actively focus on.

Well, as I read from SoulSparks.com, mindfulness is a muscle and there are techniques we can use to exercise it. One of the best ways to do this is to focus on something fun- like color!

So for a good introduction to practicing mindfulness, I am going to request that you take a walk. When you see the following colors, allow them to gently trigger your mind to consider your certain mindful techniques.


Since green is a common color, I want you to allow this color to be a gentle reminder to return your thoughts back to nothingness. When you catch a glimpse of green, you don’t need to completely shut off your mind, but instead, gently subdue any other thoughts that might have been interrupting your silence and focus on the world around you.


Brown is not often seen as a noticeable color, but today we’re going to change that. When you see brown, I want you to be grateful. Center yourself, smile softly and think of at least one thing you’re grateful for. This is increasingly difficult depending on the circumstance you are dealing with, but if possible think of a new thing you are grateful for every time you notice the color brown. If this feels too hard for your mental state, do not pressure yourself. Instead, continue meditating on the original thing you are grateful for. Give thanks to the entity of your choice.


Lastly grey. Again, taking colors outside of their common connotations: with grey I want you to think of happiness. Give a smile as big as you can- don’t worry about it looking weird, we’ve got masks. Feel as pure of feeling as joy as you can muster and fill your body.

Color is a great way to guide your own meditation. If you’re interested, choose other colors to trigger different thoughts and emotions within you.



Sense Yourself

student. writer. seeking unique perspectives on common occurrences.