What You Missed At The First-Ever WCC EOS Pavilion

Zac Harding
Sense Chat
4 min readNov 13, 2019


You missed awesome keynotes, fabulous panels, token giveaways, trivia, dancing bears, prancing unicorns, an EOS pawn shop, and a Cryptoween costume contest. All in all, from stuffed animal statues to sparkling purple carpets, it was a blast. If you missed it…well, that’s a bummer, but don’t worry, I’ll get you all caught up.

Awesome Keynotes

We had a stacked list of amazing developers, founders, and community members that came to the event with great things to speak about. Brock Pierce discussed the growth of EOS and how blockchains can create cultural change. Idan Zuckerman took us Muggles into the Wizarding World of EOS and how it can spark mass adoption. Wingardium leviosa! Fred Kruger dove into EOSIO, how it could be more user-friendly and had some fantastic ideas around user acquisition. Luke Stokes reminded us how crypto is still hard to use and gave excellent suggestions for how we could improve its adoption. William Quigley gave us first-hand insights into what WAX learned from EOS Mainnet. Now, that’s not even close to everyone, but as you can see, it was packed with fantastic topics and talented people.

Fabulous Panels

The panels were a great way to really dive into a specific topic. It was great to dive into the difficulties and rewards of building on a blockchain with Dallas Rushing (KARMA), Jae Chung (RocketBC), and Rob Behnke (NouGit). Their combined knowledge gave a glimpse into what challenges they’re facing and what opportunities they found for growth.

On top of meeting developers, we were able to hear directly from block producers! Brock Pierce led a discussion with Adrianna Mendez (Cypherglass), Thiago Canellas (EOS Rio), and Rob Konsdorf (EOS Detroit) into the essential roles block producers play on EOS. It’s always exciting hearing from block producers on how they see the system working and what is next.

Sense.Chat CEO Crystal Rose Pierce & Everipedia’s David Leibowitz sat with Naomi Brockwell to discuss the benefits of and challenges associated with building blockchain applications for large scale consumer usage. Sense.Chat’s own Unicorn Intern Aurora also weighed in on how it feels being the first baby with a record on the blockchain.

Finally, Brock Pierce and Shane Kehoe had a fireside chat where they dove into a variety of topics letting the conversation lead wherever it was meant to go. They discussed things like how to see the big picture without getting lost in the weeds, the possible paths to mass adoption, and how to raise funds for your project.

Having Fun & Making SENSE

We gave away thousands of SENSE, KARMA, and LUME. Plus over 300 EOS! To earn these tokens, you could spin our token wheel of fortune, participate in live trivia, or win the Cryptoween contest. This was probably the rowdiest crypto pavilion I’ve ever been to. The EOS community really knows how to party and having Joe Chiappetta of pixEOS there to talk about art/gaming added an extra layer of fun!

We want to thank everyone for attending and participating. The community is what makes EOS strong.



Zac Harding
Sense Chat

Marketing Madman 🤓| Blockchain Enthusiast 🤖 | Serial Dreamer 🌈 | CEO @SalesTempo