Fidan Nikqi
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2022


Check your Privileges via Data

Don’t worry. This will not be a Gen-Z loaded smack in your face. However, the issued topic that is addressed below, should not be slept upon, either. Especially considering recent AI- developments, data is not arguably but certainly the new oil. In order to not act as a boomer when it comes to data monetization, you should definitely read our article.

Conceptualizing Data Monetization

Data monetization refers to the process of generating revenue from data. This can be done in a variety of ways, including selling data to third parties, using data to target advertisements, or offering data-driven products or services.

Data has become a valuable commodity in recent years, as more and more businesses and organizations are realizing the potential of using data to drive decision making and improve operations. As a result, data monetization has emerged as an important source of revenue for many companies.

How Can Companies Monetize Their Data?

One way that companies can monetize their data is by selling it to third parties. This can be done through data marketplaces, which are online platforms that allow companies to buy and sell data. Data marketplaces often have strict rules and regulations in place to protect the privacy of individuals and ensure that data is used ethically and responsibly.

Another way to monetize data is by using it to target advertisements. This can be done by analyzing customer data to identify patterns and trends, and then using this information to serve relevant ads to users. For example, a retailer might use data on customer purchasing habits to show ads for related products to those customers.

Competitive Advantage

In addition to selling data and using it for advertising, companies can also use data to develop new products and services. For example, a fitness company might use data on customer exercise habits to develop personalized workout plans. By offering data-driven products and services, companies can create new revenue streams and gain a competitive advantage in their market.

Overall, data monetization offers companies a valuable opportunity to generate revenue and improve their operations. By understanding the various ways that data can be monetized, businesses can develop strategies to capitalize on the value of their data and drive growth and success.

Why And How You Should Engage

The growing value of data: As data has become increasingly important for businesses and organizations, the value of data has also increased. Companies are realizing the potential of using data to drive decision making and improve operations, which has led to the growth of the data monetization market.

The emergence of data marketplaces: With the growing demand for data, data marketplaces have emerged as a way for companies to buy and sell data. These online platforms provide a convenient way for companies to access the data they need, while also offering a potential source of revenue for companies with data to sell.

The potential for personalized products and services: By analyzing customer data, companies can develop personalized products and services that are tailored to the specific needs and preferences of individual customers. This can create new revenue streams and provide a competitive advantage in the market.

The importance of ethical and responsible data use: As data monetization has grown, there has been increasing focus on the importance of using data ethically and responsibly. Companies must ensure that they are protecting the privacy of individuals and using data in a way that is fair and transparent.

Data Monetization Wrap-Up

Overall, data monetization is an essential and rapidly-evolving area that offers many opportunities for businesses to generate revenue and improve their operations. It should therefore not be overlooked or slept upon (no, boomers!). In this respect, these significant benefits impose a duty on everyone of us to fulfill in order to create a more sustainable and resilient economy.

If you want to know more about data monetization, or would like to keep in touch with senseering in general, simply reach out here:

