MyDataEconomy Release Notes — 1st Feb 2021

Global Dashboards, States & Controls, Simplicity

3 min readFeb 1, 2021


Header. Image: © senseering | Semjon Becker

Release Notes

Global Dashboards, States & Controls, Simplicity

Global Dashboards

Dashboards can now be created conveniently, across the network. Different data sources can be combined from multiple Manager nodes that are independent of each other. External data sources, from within the market can also be included here if they have been purchased in advance in the market and moved to the own Manager. Thus, these dashboards can display every purchased or onwed datasource inside the market. The individual charts can additionally be filtered on any fields provided by the worker.

Global Dashboards. Image: © senseering

States & Controls

It is now possible to assign a status to a worker. These states can be changed synchronously by the worker and also from the cloud. This allows the development of applications that needs to be controlled.

States & Controls. Image: © senseering


The manager setup requires fewer steps and can be conveniently monitored from the cloud. Manager information can now also be viewed without having to log in to the node.

Market v2.3.2

  • organization-wide, customizable dashboards
  • Realtime updates via websockets in dashboards
  • Multiple values in lineplot
  • Control panels for states of workers (Number, Boolean and String)
  • Language (German)
  • Enhanced Manager setup and logging
  • Role deletion
  • Short ids in domains instead of username
  • Sepa as payment method
  • New default roles (e.g. finance) and policies

Manager v2.0.2

  • enhanced logging reporting
  • whitespace bug in settings, by restricting keys
  • fixed autorefresh bug
  • new data query api with push events via addtional websockets

Worker v1.6.2

  • states
  • added key restrictions
senseering Logo | © senseering

About senseering

The senseering GmbH is a company founded in September 2018 that was awarded the RWTH Aachen University Spin-Off-Award. The core competence of senseering GmbH is the development and implementation of systems for the digitalization and networking of industrial and production facilities. Likewise, senseering GmbH advises on strategic corporate issues, in particular digital transformation, distributed-leger technologies, edge vs. cloud computing architectures for AI-based real-time control of industrial processes, digital business model innovation and the introduction of digital business processes such as home office, Azure or Microsoft365. Senseering is one of the winners of the first and largest AI innovation competition of the BMWi with the project

Daniel Trauth (CEO) | | E-Mail:

