Introducing: Engagement Roles

Sense Finance
Sense Finance
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2022

The current state of Web3 communities can feel repetitive, dull, and not very engaging. Members are encouraged to contribute and participate without any real rewards. There is no real value exchange between the project and its community members.

At Sense, we put our community first! We have innovated a unique community structure to encourage engagement, growth, and value for everyone!

Introducing… Sense Engagement Roles! A way for community members to be directly rewarded for their contributions and engagement.

How Does It Work?

Engagement Roles are an internal rank system in the Sense Discord that rewards members for participating directly within the Sense community. Therefore, the more you interact and participate, then the higher up you rank and thus receive the greater benefits. We reward those who contribute and engage the most, and the best part is that everyone can be at the top together!

To kickstart Engagement Roles, we have created 3 ranks (Bronze Senvoy, Silver Senvoy, & Gold Senvoy). Each rank will be sequential, meaning you can only become a Silver Senvoy by achieving Bronze Senvoy first. The higher the rank, the more it requires, and the better the rewards.

Senvoys are the envoys of the Sense protocol, on a mission to spread the good news of Sense with the broader crypto community. They’re highly resourceful, mission-driven, and committed to the future DeFi economy. The existing Senvoys of the Sense community will be grandfathered into the first month as Bronze Senvoys.

What Do I Get?

Each rank will have regular monthly giveaways, access to exclusive channels, extra benefits, and so much more. We will roll out the perks for each rank slowly over time and will continue to add more benefits to each rank as the community grows. Our goal is to continue to increase the rewards, giveaways, and prizes so that everyone in the community feels rewarded for their contribution.

Here is a list of the current benefits and prizes for each rank:

How Do I Rank Up?

Ranks will be automatically given via a Discord server role that is managed by the Sense team. Ranks are given based on engagement in the community, so things like sending messages in the Discord chats, following Sense on Twitter, and inviting your friends to join all count towards ranking up. More engagement = higher rank!

The requirements to rank are subject to change as the community grows. Note that there is no limit on the number of members that can be in each rank, so it is all dependent on the individual’s contribution to the community. Remember that failure to maintain rank requirements will result in de-ranking.

Here is a list of the Ranks and the requirements to earn each rank:

When Does It Start?

Engagement Roles will be live starting November 1, 2022, and will continue tracking engagement live in real-time. All giveaways will be hosted monthly and include all of the members of the specific rank as of the last day of the month.

Is There More to Come?

Yes, yes, and YES!

This is just the first iteration of Engagement Roles. The best part is that this structure allows for changes and customization at scale.

As the community continues to grow, we will be able to add new ranks, adjust existing ranks, add more prizes, features, and benefits. We are already working on rolling out more functionality to Engagement Roles over the coming months and will continue to get feedback from our community to make them as best as possible!

Make sure to join our Discord and follow us on Twitter to follow the latest updates to Sense Protocol and community development.



Sense Finance
Sense Finance

A decentralized, permissionless, fixed income protocol on Ethereum.