Mental Health and Technology

Judy Solved Her Clinical Depression with a Tech Device Much Better than Medication.

I highlight the benefits of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for depressive disorders using a case study.

Dr Mehmet Yildiz
Published in
9 min readOct 19, 2022


Photo by Photo Shoot Studios on Pexels

If someone asks me to nominate one technology in the brain and mental health domain for an award, I will say TMS without hesitation. The Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation treatment method brought hope to people living with depression and not responding to antidepressants.

Purpose of the Article

This story introduces Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for depression treatment. I documented a case of a friend who suffered from clinical depression and found the solution in TMS. I met many more people who used it successfully.

This story does not include health advice. It is for information, inspiration, and awareness purposes. TMS creates hope for depression and several mental health disorders that I will cover in other posts. This post only focuses on its use case for clinical, also known as major depression.

Depression is widespread globally. “Approximately 280 million people in the world have depression,” according to WHO



Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Scientist, Technologist, Inventor, focusing on HEALTH and JOY. Founder of ILLUMINATION, curating key messages for society. Connection: