And so the story begins

Lab Reports
Sensible Science
Published in
1 min readDec 27, 2018

Introducing Sensible Science, a blog that will explain new discoveries in health and medical research (with flash backs to some golden oldies).

As a researcher, I, like many of my colleagues, was taught the rule of publish or perish. This means that your career depends on publication of your research findings in scientific journals. While effective for sharing information between scientists, this format does not share research with the greater public. In fact, I doubt if any of my friends and family have seen, let alone read, any of my own research.

With a large proportion of research funding coming from government grants and donations, it is not only our privilege but also our responsibility to share this research with the all of the people who helped to make it happen.

This blog is my way of sharing my knowledge and passion for health and medical research with anyone who is interested.

I hope that you enjoy it and learn a little something new each time you visit.

