SENSITIZE — What We’re About

I coined the word a long time ago.

Jonathan Cring


photo provided by author

In 1982, I gathered what some might call a motley crew of comrades into a recording studio, to produce an album of disparate individuals with a unity of heart.

None of them had ever experienced a recording studio before. I was a veteran of many, with more than a decade of traveling on the road in the gospel/country field and working as a songwriter in Nashville.

I wanted to share the magic of the studio with my friends and aspiring songwriters — to be able to hear themselves on a record.

We called the project “Band Haven: Senzitize.” (In that season, I thought putting two Z’s in the word made it more clever. I have since revised my love of being clever.)

So what was our unified message? That we humans were mostly the same and that we just needed to sensitize to each other to be able to link — heart, soul, mind and strength. The project was an outstanding success.

The years pass. I now sing less and write more — but our world still needs to be sensitized.

In this season of global pandemic and impassioned protests over heartbreaking, ongoing and deep-rooted racism in America, do we really believe that we’ll be able to transform our world without becoming more sensitive? Without…



Jonathan Cring

A lifetime of writing on common sense plus faith. God is the same thing as science. (Jesus said so.) Books and music: Jonathan Richard Cring on Amazon.