Call for Public Comments: OGC SensorThings API — Part 2 Tasking

Steve Liang
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2018

The OGC SensorThings API Part 2 — Tasking Core is released by OGC for public comment. As Tania and I are editors of the standard, I guess it’s worth to write a blog to celebrate! :-)

Developers, no need to look further. I know you prefer reading codes and examples. Here is our live demo and the interactive developer documentation. You can see the JSON requests sent to our Tasking server as well as the task executed (change light colour). We will write a new blog post to share more details later.

STA Part 2 Tasking Live Demo and Interactive Developer Documentation

For the rest of you, the OGC SensorThings API (STA) is the standard solution for the fragmented Internet of Things (IoT). STA provides an open, geospatial-enabled, and unified way to interconnect and aggregate the IoT devices, data, and applications over the Web. What does that mean? It means STA can aggregate all your IoT silos as one coherent system, significantly improve your AI and analytics, and thus make your product much more efficient and competitive.

STA Part 1 Sensing was release in July 2016, allowed access, query, and aggregation of sensor data from heterogeneous IoT systems. To my best knowledge, STA is world’s fist international standard for IoT cloud API and data model. It’s not a surprise that since its release, it has been quickly adopted around the world for various IoT applications. For example, Singapore recommended STA in their national Technical References (TR) on IoT. STA also plays a critical role, as the sensor hub, in the US Department of Homeland Security’s Next Generation First Responder initiative (check out the DHS NGFR Integration Handbook here and the video below).

Part 2 Tasking provides a mechanism to tell the sensor/actuator what to do. Part 2 complement the existing IoT communication standards and offers a semantics-rich data model for controlling sensors/actuators. Such semantic-rich data model is key to meaningful AI and analytics.

The draft of STA Part 2 can be downloaded here. Comments are due by 22 March 2018. And if you submit a comment before the due date, we are required to respond. So why wait, it’s your time to criticize or even better contribute to SensorThings API. Click here to submit your comments.

By Dr. Steve Liang

Editor of OGC SensorThings API Part 2 — Tasking Core
CEO of SensorUp
Associate Professor, Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary



Steve Liang

Founder of SensorUp, Professor at University of Calgary, Chair and Editor of OGC SensorThings API