Cando Rail Services selects SensorUp geospatial IoT platform to enable Quasar digital platform

Spencer Cox
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2019

Cando Rail Services has released Quasar — a revolutionary digital platform designed to increase productivity and supply chain visibility, optimize rail networks, and dramatically reduce time and costs for shippers, rail transportation managers, rail yard staff, as well as logistics managers.

At SensorUp Inc. we have been supporting the development of Quasar and providing our geospatial movement intelligence platform to unlock business value by leveraging geospatial intelligence and analytics capabilities. SensorUp helps standardize various data sources and provide consistent access to historical, real-time, and processed data through streaming APIs. SensorUp provides IoT data management, expanding the number of visualizations, analytical processes, and business integrations available within the Quasar platform.

Companies can implement Cando’s new technology cost-effectively and without delay. Quasar’s full platform includes comprehensive Yard Management and Shipment Management applications, as well as components for Car Storage, Activity-Based Costing, Metrics & Analytics, and Predictive & Prescriptive Analytics.

SensorUp provides 5 key capabilities to help organizations like Cando Rail Services optimize their fleet, field services, and supply chain processes.

1. Geospatial + Temporal Visualizations

Understanding the performance of a moving system is complicated. Companies are often missing the big picture view by focusing on static reports and snapshots in time. SensorUp enables understanding of the spatial and temporal dimensions which provide insight on bottlenecks, trends, and system performance. Our technology helps companies to discover opportunities in their operations by enabling visualization, aggregation, and replay across space and time.

Spatial-Temporal Visualizations which include aggregation can help identify movement characteristics such as Dwell Time, Cycle Time, Pipeline Reports, and Conditional Monitoring.

2. Business Process Integration, Rules, and Alerts

Understanding company data is only the start. Acting on this data is where value is created. From basic SMS and email-based notifications and alerts to advanced integrations with Salesforce Field Services and other mainstream ERP applications, we create the integrations and workflows and enable sensor data events to transform into business actions.

SensorUp is helping customers make their IoT data more actionable. Our Rules Engine is built for business users to handle evaluation and action based on properties within the data.

3. IoT Data Management on

Companies often have existing technology including telematics systems, automated vehicle location (AVL) systems, telematics on heavy equipment, worker safety applications alongside domain-specific supply chain and operational enterprise applications. Each of these data sources tells a piece of the story and with our OGC SensorThings standards-based technology, SensorUp helps build a system-level picture. We run on Amazon Web Services and add standards, AI-ready data, and geospatial movement intelligence onto the excellent cloud-native services provided by AWS. We install our platform on top of enterprise-grade services within AWS and provide complete platform management services.

SensorUp wrote the SensorThings API for the Open Geospatial Consortium which is being adopted by Government, Military, and Private Sector organizations around the globe. We know a thing or two about how to manage large scale IoT datasets in AWS and make those datasets AI-ready.

4. Movement Intelligence

Whether optimizing system performance in a rail network or optimizing routing for vehicles on a road network or cycles for heavy equipment on an industrial site, there are common threads of location intelligence which enable optimal efficiency. Anomaly detection, stay point detection, and route optimization can enable companies to operate and transport more efficiently.

SensorUp expertise with movement intelligence enables our customers to directly gain insight into the performance of their mining, transportation, and supply chain systems. Cycle time can be automatically derived from the movement characteristics of location data.

5. Real-time Visibility

Monitoring personnel, vehicles, and physical assets in real time is vital for a wide variety of remote operations. SensorUp unifies connected assets providing a single pane of glass for situational awareness and common operating picture applications.

The Department of Homeland Security’s Next Generation First Responder APEX Program uses SensorUp to track their asset position and condition in real-time. By integrating physical assets, vehicles, and personnel into a single platform a new level of real-time visibility can be achieved.

We released our platform this fall and would love to discuss with you how our expertise with AWS, IoT, and standard-based interoperability may support your geospatial and movement intelligence use cases. Please reach out to me at to learn more.



Spencer Cox

VP of Engineering at SensorUp. Data geek, geospatial thinker, and backcountry adventurer.