SensorUp in 2017 — some fun numbers

Steve Liang
Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2017

2017 was a great year for SensorUp. We had our first SensorUp retreat/strategic meeting, signed our first client in Asia and Europe, sponsored Singapore’s smart nation hackathon, organized our first Smart Cities Workshop, and more. I think it will be interesting to share some fun numbers of SensorUp’s 2017.

340,053,861+ observations

This is the number of observations in one of our SensorThings servers at this moment while I am typing. These observation data are from thousands of air quality sensors in Taiwan. The number is growing approximately 1 million every day.


This is the total number of views of our YouTube webinars and tutorials.

193,812 miles

Although SensorUp is still a small company, our clients are truly global. We have clients in Asia, Europe and North America. Together we flew 193,812 miles this year. It’s worth to mention that we have built very strong partnerships in Singapore and Taiwan. It also feels great to see our technologies have a global impact. I believe in 2018 we will have more exciting news from both countries and help our client to create more value from their IoT data.

61.03 N

Thanks to Natural Resources Canada’s funding support, we were able to deploy an arctic sensor web consisting of 20 sensors. 10 air quality nodes in Yukon and 10 air quality nodes in Northwest Territories (NWT) were deployed. The most northern sensors we deployed were located at the Kluane Lake Research Station that is 61.03 degree north of equator!

12 cities

In 2017 summer we launched the SensorUp Smart City Starter Kit for air quality sensing. Our starter kit allows any city to deploy a smart city IoT solution with a fraction of the cost and time they spent on the traditional air monitoring solutions. Six months later, 200+ sensing devices have been deployed in 12 different Canadian cities.

There are some exciting news happening at SensorUp that I cannot share with you at the moment. But I can say that 2018 will be for sure a very exciting year for us. I wish you a very happy new year!



Steve Liang

Founder of SensorUp, Professor at University of Calgary, Chair and Editor of OGC SensorThings API