SensorUp in 2018 — Some Fun Numbers

Steve Liang
Published in
3 min readDec 27, 2018

2018 was definitely the most exciting year in our history. We joined the Creative Destruction Lab — Rockies, raised a significant Series Seed financing, won several awards (NATO, TECTERRA), published a new international standard, and recruited four new management team members, including a new CEO(!!). We also 2X the number of our team members. To celebrate our successful 2018, I think it is interesting to share some fun numbers of SensorUp’s 2018.

1,000,000,000+ observations

This is the number of observations currently hosted in our SensorThings cloud at this moment while I am typing. In fact, the number might be much bigger than this (between 1 billion to 2 billion). As our client list is growing, the volume, velocity, and variety of sensor data coming into our system also grow significantly. But one billion is always a good number to celebrate I guess.

7,000,000+ observations per day

In fact we are receiving more than 7+ million observations everyday. In comparison, our system received 1+ million observations per day a year ago. This is also a good number indicating the growth of our businesses. We are also glad to see our system can handle high velocity and high volume effortlessly.

1 PhD Thesis

Tania, SensorUp’s senior software developer, successfully defended her thesis titled: “An Open Geospatial Internet of Things Cloud Service Architecture Based on the Big Data Lambda Architecture”. Congratulations, Dr. Tania Khalafbeigi!

4 New Management Team members

This year we have built a strong and experienced management team. We welcomed four new management team members: CEO, Geoff Mair; VP of Product — Larry Toube; Director of IoT Solutions — Spencer Cox; and Director of Sales — Ryan Chisholm. And this allows me to be the new CTO and focus on future product and innovations.

3 Accelerators

In 2018 we were selected to joined the Creative Destruction Lab — Rockies (CDL-R)and Plug & Play Tech Centre. The two accelerators were amazing in different ways. CDL-R transformed SensorUp, period. The mentorship, network, introductions, and advices from CDL is second to none. More importantly the positive energy from CDL is really unique. I was so touched every time when I heard the CDL fellows and associates discussing how can they add values to SensorUp and help us to build something massive. Now we are more ready to build something transformative and massive.

Plug & Play was our first taste of Silicon Valley. I was very impressed by both the quality and quantity of deal flows and business development meetings. The networking opportunities at the Plug & Play Tech Centre was also second to none. Bringing startups and Fortune 500 corporations working together in the same building at the centre of Silicon Valley is such a brilliant idea. BTW, Plug & Play knows how to throw parties (i.e., networking events), and the food at the cafeteria was awesome!

This year we also graduated from the T-squared Accelerator, organized by TEC Edmonton and TELUS. In the past two years we learned a lot from TELUS and their IoT department. Weekly meeting with Shaheel Hooda (a great mentor!!) was also something I looked forward to every week.

There are more interesting numbers in 2018 that we cannot share here. But in summary 2018 was a great year for SensorUp. We have new and better clients, better revenues, and built innovative and differentiated products that customers love. 2018 was the most exciting year for the short history of SensorUp. I am sure 2019 will be even more exciting!

I wish you a very very happy new year!



Steve Liang

Founder of SensorUp, Professor at University of Calgary, Chair and Editor of OGC SensorThings API