Explore recultivated nature with the RWE ERLEBEN app

Wanna go for a walk? Take on a whole new experience — let this app guide you through a recultivated area of opencast mining.

3 min readOct 29, 2020


“RWE erleben” app by Sensory-Minds

The app “RWE erleben” offers trails in natural habitats. These habitats are former opencast mining areas, which have been recultivated by RWE to make it a destination for leisure activities and recreation.

A seamless user experience

You can start your tour on foot, take your bike or ride your horse. At specific points of interest along your path the app will provide interesting facts and stories. The seamless user journey based on a clever technical setup ensures a holistic and compelling user experience.

The app takes you on a seamless journey that really lets you enjoy your outdoor experience.

Plan a weekend or day trip, enjoy nature and explore various tours by using exclusive maps and route navigation, which is not available on Google Maps or other services. Planning your trip, getting there and starting the tour is very easy and perfects the overall user experience. In addition, the app accompanies you with background information, quizzes at virtual stations and viewpoints.

“RWE erleben” app by Sensory-Minds

At specific spots of interest and view points you’ll get information about climate and pollution protection, sustainability and environmental responsibility, as well as natural resources, animals and the recultivation process in general.


Sensory-Minds developed the App for iOS and Android mobile devices.
Both apps are based on the Content Management System Storyblok, which makes content maintenance highly intuitive and simple for editors. Any content such as texts, images and geolocation data can easily be updated and pushed to the app continuously. Users get automatically informed about content updates that simply are pushed to the app with no manual update or reinstallation needed.

The iOS and Android app are based on the Content Management System Storyblok, which makes content maintenance highly intuitive and simple for editors.

Get the iOS app here.
Get the Android app here.

Any questions about this project?

Get in contact:
Eve Cecon | Business Innovation Strategist @ Sensory-Minds




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