
Sensual: An Erotic Life
2 min readAug 21, 2022

i love when my eyes catch yours

looking at mine

not being able to stare right through in


i pull away

i love when your hands find mine

holding on tight

fingers lingering through mine

the heat of your hands

as they leave

the aftermath is indeed


i love when my hair twirls around your finger

or is it the other way around, i wonder

as they lose contact

the life in my hair

falls dead

i love your scent

on my clothes

when we are sitting up close

my one side smelling like love

and another with life none

i love when you talk about

the things that you love

the child in you unleashing

wish i could have more of him

i love it when your arm

curls around my waist

pulling me in closer,

and closer,

and closer,

until I'm under your skin

i love it when my ear

rests on your chest

listening to your heart pound

the way you wrap your arms around me

makes it appear as if the world around us dissolved

i love it when my head

finds its way onto your shoulder

digging right in

it feels more like home in your arms

that my home feels like home to me

i love it when our lips meet

with our tongues rebelling inside

the passion tasting like sweet

the softness unquestioned

the look in your eyes

as i pull away

makes me melt

and melt

and melt

and melt



