9 Tips To Have a Better Sex Life in 2025
Practice, practice, practice…
In the hustle and bustle of your daily grind, holiday parties, trying to balance a mix of reading and binge watching reruns so you can actually sleep, social media habits, and barely having time to drink your morning coffee in peace, sex doesn’t always feel like a priority.
We don’t know how it happened, how watching one more episode on Netflix became more important than being with our partner under the sheets. And when you do have sex, yeah… we’ve been there. It’s not nearly as fun as it used to be. But there are so many ways to easily change up your routine and give you a better sex life than it was when you first started.
9 Tips to Have a Better Sex Life in 2025
1. Practice, practice, practice — Sexual activity is a lot like physical fitness. If you want to stay in shape, you have to stick with it. The vagina can become narrower if you are not sexually active, so one of the most important things you can do to preserve the function of the vagina is to continue having intercourse.
2. Redecorate the Bedroom — “The bedroom does build up a lot of mundane associations,” says Louanne Cole Weston, PhD, a board certified sex therapist. “But if you can do anything to transform your bedroom into something…