Photo by Oliver Sjöström on Unsplash

All You Need is Love

Lessons from an Existential Crisis

Thomas Ott
7 min readAug 29, 2021


I was having a bit of a crisis the other day on Twitter and so many members of my tribe came to my aid with kind words and thoughts. Thank you.

I turned 50 last year, right smack dab in the middle of the pandemic. Before that happened my partner asked me what I wanted to do for my 50th. She was fishing for ideas and was planning something special.

I was never a conventional guy, so I suggested maybe a big camping trip. We find a place on the map, set a day and time, and then send out invites for people to show up, camp, play music, laugh, and reconnect again.

A friend once told me that that the most precious thing you can give someone is your time.

I was so looking forward to the reconnection part. For me being together with the people I love and care about is what’s important to me. I’m never about the gifts, I’m about the cards they write to me and the time we spend together.

It brings me great joy to read the words my loved ones write to me, because I know it comes from the heart. Every year my partner and children ask me what I want for my birthday or Father’s Day, and every year I tell them the same thing. I want a nice dinner together and a card with words…

