Bad Lollipop — OkHarmony Breach

Edaqa Mortoray
Sensual: An Erotic Life
6 min readAug 23, 2018


An Erotic Hacker Story

“She was slick, sliding inside wouldn’t be a problem.” He was a small man, overweight but not obese. His patchy beard held some crumbs of the cake he’d been eating. His hair may have been styled, but was getting messier by the minute.

“I just fiddled a few bits, and snuck my hand right down her pants. Wasn’t hard at all.” He downed another espresso. His interview rider was in the folder on the table before me, in plain sight. Item #3 read: An endless supply of coffee in any form. It was signed with his pen name, “Bad Lollipop”.

To the right of the rider was a recent press clipping about the OkHarmony data breach. Here, before me, was the supposed mastermind behind the attack. I asked, “OkHarmony publicly stated they had the best security system, and you’re saying it was nothing. Care to elaborate?”

“Oh yeah, they dressed up the machine in lots of pretty clothing. No fear though, I got a pocket full of dollars to throw — she’d strip those layers for me. The jacket and sweater went quickly, some pretty colors, but not much to see, basic protocol shit. But then — I hit the good stuff. It looked elaborate, wrapped around her, revealing enough to know I’m in the right place, but tight enough to pump up the goods, if you know what I mean.”



Edaqa Mortoray
Sensual: An Erotic Life

Stars and salad make me happy. I‘ve been writing, coding, and thinking too much for over 20 years now.