Being A Male Feminist Is Actually Cool — The Internet Is Just Mean

There’s nothing shameful about supporting women as a guy

Dayon Cotton
Sensual: An Erotic Life


Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Like many men, I too, thought feminism was a bit gross.

As a young adult, it seemed like women were always blaming men for something in some form or fashion. Throughout my life, I have seen it.

However, as I have grown older and wiser, I now realize feminism doesn’t have to be a dirty word. It doesn’t have to be this one-word catch-all synonym for the soft, unmanly, emasculated, weak, pathetic, beta cuck guy.

In reality, it just means listening and understanding the needs and desires of the women around us. And honestly, that’s not asking for much.

Internet Masculinity Is Overrated

If you hang around the internet long enough, you might notice the “I hate feminist” mentality floating around. Actually, if you listen to the men of the internet, I wouldn’t blame you for thinking most men hate women — or at the very least, supporting them.

It’s okay — we have all been there.

Often, when men hear the word “feminism”, it conjures up that one meme you see floating around. Ya know? The one with the raging white woman who is giving some poor guy the…



Dayon Cotton
Sensual: An Erotic Life

I write dope articles about social issues, life lessons, and living a better life,, Follow My Twitter! @dayoncotton00, Active Duty US Navy