Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

Compositional Elements of Erotic and Non-Erotic Photography

Lighting, mood, and pose

Thomas Ott
3 min readOct 3, 2021


I know so many erotic content creators and I think that’s wonderful. I know writers, photographers, and artists that are busy making content so they can make a living or bring notoriety to their work.

It’s hard work, especially if you’re starting, and you want to make sure that whatever you create, it’s on par with what the “market” demands.

No matter what type of content you create (erotic or non-erotic), I find that photographers have it very hard. Mostly because many different variables affect the outcome of their images.

She hints that she’s nude underneath, perhaps she woke up as her lover was leaving?

However, if you have command and even mastery of the following three compositional elements, then you’re on a good path to making some great images.

I’m talking about lighting, mood, and posing.

These three compositional elements make up 90% of the photo, the remaining 10% are just camera settings, exposure, and ISO. While important, you can be forgiven by a noisy photograph more so than by being in a bad pose or having terrible lighting.

