Don’t Let ED (Erectile Dysfunction) Keep You from Satisfying Your Lover

This one tool can help you be better in bed

Sensual: An Erotic Life


Me and my toolbelt. (Photo by the author)

I’m a man in my fifties, in good shape, and enjoy sex. My sexual style is sensual with a need to please, so I derive a lot of pleasure from watching the waves of an orgasm wash over my lover. Hearing those moans or “Fuck me harder!” is the best!

But like many my age, I can have moments of ED (erectile dysfunction) along with the normal trappings of a male refractory period. Fortunately, my ED isn’t debilitating, and Viagra or Cialis certainly helps since it is psychologically driven and not physical. All mortal men have refractory periods where we go soft and should resort to other sexual approaches.

My lover has a high libido.

She wants more orgasms and I want to be the one to give them to her.

But sometimes my erection doesn’t match my own high sex drive and desire.

Delilah Elenoh wrote an inspired piece about her sexual experiences with a lover with ED. Her story provides many ways for a man to enjoy his libido, and satiate his lover, even without an erection.

So let’s say performance anxiety has reared its ugly head, or that my lover happens to be…



Sensual: An Erotic Life

50-something man and nerd trying to learn about anything, but especially science, love, and relationships. Or buy me coffee